Randle Sister Imagine

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  You and Sodapop have been dating for the past two months. But it's been super hard and stressful for those past two months to keep your dating a secret from your brother, Steve Randle. Steve and Sodapop are best friends, and they've never lied to each other ever before. But whenever you lie to Steve, it just makes you feel sick to your stomach. Sodapop didn't want you to say anything to Steve because he feared that he wouldn't be to happy about it.

 You want to tell Steve that you and Sodapop have been dating because you knew that Steve would understand. But Sodapop keep making up the excuse that he knows Steve, and he knows that he wouldn't be to happy with it. Because his best friend dating his sister, that wouldn't process well with Steve at all. You were going over to Sodapop's place to watch a movie because Steve was going to hang out with Dallas for the day.

''Hey Soda!'' you smile, entering through the door.

''Ava!'' sodapop cheers, running up to you.

 He picks you up off the ground and spins you around, making you giggle. When you he puts you down, he lays a kiss upon your lips, making you smile. He leads you to the couch and you sit down, he turns the TV on and jumps on the couch next to you. He puts his arm around you and you look over at him. He leans in and pecks your lips once more.

''Oh, how I missed your lips.'' sodapop coos, kissing you again.

''I know I–''

 Sodapop kept on kissing you, making it unable for you to speak. His hand ran up your cheek as you continued to kiss. You two totally forgot about the movie and just continued to kiss. You were having an amazing time until an angry voice came ringing in your ears.

''AVA RANDLE!!'' you pulled away from sodapop immediately and you both turned your head.

 Your face heated up as you saw that it was Steve. Your brother just witnessed you kissing Sodapop. Steve stomped his way up to Sodapop, you hoped Steve wasn't going to do what you thought he was going to do.

''What the hell was that?! Why were your lips all over my little sis?!'' steve yells, picking up sodapop by the collar.

''S-Steve! I can e-explain!!'' sodapop whimpers, totally scared out of his mind.

''Steve! Stop! Sodapop and I are dating!'' you screech before steve could say anything else.

 Steve paused and threw Sodapop back onto the couch. His head turned slowly towards you like he was going to murder you. Steve was now yelling at you and not Sodapop, but you'd much rather have him yelling at you than Sodapop.

''Ava.. How long have you two been dating?'' steve asks, lifting an eyebrow.

 You and Sodapop exchanged glances, he was beet-red. You swung your eyes back at Steve and started to rub your arm.

''Two months.'' you mumble.

''What was that?''

''Two months.'' you raise your voice.

 Steve seemed speechless, he held his head and shook his head. You dig your teeth into your bottom teeth, hoping that he wouldn't go crazy. Steve just stared at you than looked over at Sodapop.

''Why didn't you guys ever tell me?'' steve asks, grinning.

''I- Wha?'' you were baffled by what he was doing.

''Steve I wanted to tell you but we thought you'd freak out.. Y'know. Like you just did back there?'' sodapop answers.

''Soda.. I was only angry than because I didn't know you two's was dating. Because if you two's weren't dating and you were all over my sis.. Well, you would be in the hospital right now,'' steve smirks, patting sodapop on the chest.

''But if you two are dating, that's fine.'' steve shrugs.

''Are you sure?'' you ask.

 Steve pulls you in with one arm and Sodapop in with the other arm. He kisses you on the head, making you shiver in disgust. He just patted Sodapop on the head.

''I'm sure.'' steve smiles.

''Love you Ava.'' sodapop smiles, looking over steve's shoulder.

''No saying the L word in front of me though bud.'' steve says, slapping sodapop on the back.

''Wait.. Why are you here in the first place? I thought you's was gonna hang with Dally today?'' you ask, getting out of steve's arm.

''Came back to get my jacket.'' steve says, walking up to the coat rack.

 He picks up his jacket and winks at you two. He leaves and you look back at Sodapop who was already staring. He walks up to you and grabs you by the waist and pulls you in, smashing his lips against yours.

''I love you Ava.'' he repeats, smiling.

''Love you as well Soda.'' you blush.

The End

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