Tuesday: July 28th, 2015

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I am crying. No one knows. My sister said some things that hurt me because I am so emotionally unstable. I hate to cry in front of people, so I disappeared to my room. I hear my sister telling my tia that I left because I have to be dramatic. I wish she knew how much saying something as simple as that hurts. I know a lot of it has to do with me and my emotions, but no one tries to help. When I try to voice how I feel they either understand or they don't. Even if they do, they don't try to do anything to help. Like trying to hear me out or even do research to try to better understand how to help someone with social anxiety and depression. It's just so hard. So fucking hard. Especially to stay alive and try to live the life I always wanted when the people closest to me seem to not care or attempt to understand. I'm still crying. I left in the middle of making myself food and now everyone is eating it. I can't go back out there until it doesn't look like I've been crying. They'll just tear me down. It's 3:00PM. This isn't the first time I broke down during the day, but I hope it's the last. Until next time.

Update: They made fun of me.

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