11//He walks in on you crying// (G.D-M.H)

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*knock knock knock* you jump at the sudden bang on the door. George has just reminded you that he had tour in a week and you were so upset.

"Baby, open the door." His raspy British accent trembles your body as you keep pretending you're asleep. You can't let him see you crying. You're too strong for that.

Tears stream down your face even harder fully submerging your pillow in salty water. The thought of not seeing him for six months tears you apart!

"Baby, please let me in." You get out of bed as your stomach knots up. Tears stream some more and every step closer to opening the door gets more regretful.

You grab the handle as thousands of butterflies gets released into your stomach. You turn the handle to be face with a very handsome George. He walks in grabbing your head and pulling it into his chest.

"It's just as hard for me as it is for you. I don't want to go but I have to. I'll be home in six months. I promise you." George picks you up 'bridal style' and pulls you closer. "Please believe me."

Tears sting your eyes with every word George says. You're going to miss his raspy deep voice. "I'm going to miss you so much George." You sob into his chest. Mascara stains his white top and you try your best not to stain it anymore.

"I'm going to miss you too my baby girl but we will get through this! This will make us stronger than ever. We will Skype every night and we will talk on the phone, I'll ring you all the time and text you every waking minute. You're the only person I want and I'm not going to let tour break us apart. And whenever I have a few days off, I'll come visit you. You hear me? You're my one and only." A large smile forms on your face as he puts you down on your feet. "I promise you we will work through this, we will get there my baby."

"I love you more then anything George and if you doing this is going to make you and the boys happy then I'm not going to stop you. Just promise me that you will text, Skype and call all the time?" George reaches his hand to your warm freckled face and wipes the tears. Your mascara smudges on his hand and a smile reaches his mouth.

He presses a warm kiss upon your lips. His lips are pink and so soft. Like you're in a dream every time he would kiss you. "Baby I promise you we will do amazing! This whole week I wannah spend with you just chilling or doing whatever you want babe. You're all mine for the week." You smile as he pushes you on the bed making love to your face.

The rest of the night is spent watching Netflix and cuddling into each other. His arms wrapped around you with occasional 'I love yous.' During the night.


"Baby." You are awoken to be faced with a very tense Matthew looking down at you while you sleep. "Baby, your mum just called and told me that your fathers in hospital, he was involved in a serious car crash and is currently in a coma."

You quickly emerge from your sleep and get changed. " Matthew, are you coming?" You look at him while he nods his head. "Well hurry up." You wait a couple minutes for Matty to get dressed and exit out the big doors of you $600,000 house. You get in the car and leave to go to the hospital.

An hour drive later you reach the hospital and run up to reception. "(Your/dads/name), where is he?" You ask in a rush. In no time she's typing up his name and directing you to his room. "Up the lift to floor 5, first left then his name should be on room 11." You give a little thank you as you grab Matthews hand and run towards the lift.

"Baby, whatever happens I'll be here every step of the way. Even if I'm on tour I'll still answer your calls when you need to talk and I'll come home when we have a couple of days off, I promise baby. I'll be here whenever you need." A tear escapes your eyes as you get pulled into Matthews chest. A small kiss gets laid on your head. He whispers in your ear. "I love you y/n. Forever."

The lift doors open upon floor five and you follow every instruction the receptionist gave you. You are led to room eleven and open the doors. Matthew in one hand and the door handle in the other regretting every bad thing you've ever said to your dad.

You open the door to be welcomed in by your mum and brother. "I'm so sorry mum." You mumble sitting by your dad. "I need to go to the bathroom." You walk out leaving Matthew to explain the hurt you're feeling.

A few minutes later you are interrupted by a knock on the door and a tall lanky figure walking in. "Baby girl, please don't walk away and cry. My shoulder is always available for you." He picks you up and places you on the basin. "Your mum and brother need you to be strong. I know it hurts my girl but you just need to be strong. They need you!" He places his hand upon your face, wiping every smudge of makeup from your cheeks.

"I love you Matthew, let's go." You grab his hand and walk into the room again. During the day he supports you, not complaining that he's board and occasionally asking your family if they are hungry or want a coffee. That's when you realised that Matthew is the one for you.

A/n fuck yes an update 🌚

Matthew Healy,  George Daniel and 5SOS preferences.Where stories live. Discover now