87//He Cheats Part Two// (Ashton Irwin) ONE SHOT

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Your tear stain face is a mess, mascara is everywhere. Your phone is blowing up with texts from Ashton, you couldn't stand this, you couldn't even understand why he would do such a thing, were you not good enough? Did he EVER love you?

You arrive at your parents house, them unknowingly letting you in. You immediately hug your mum, tears falling onto her shoulder while your head rests comfortably there. "He cheated on me." You sob to your mother, knowing her words will be the only words to cheer you up. Your dad rubs your back and follows you two to your room. You and Ashton had your one bedroom while you were staying at your parents but tonight it's just you.

The phone rings multiple times, you not strong enough to answer so your mother does. "Yeahp she's here...no she doesn't want to speak to you....you cheated on her, of course she's upset...nope....good bye Ashton." You hear, crying even more at the pain you feel inside.

You check your phone, 70 texts from Ashton, you check the most recent.

"Please y/n, I'm sorry, I can't express enough, I know I fucked up and I know that you're the best thing that has AND ever will happen to me. I love you more than anything and I know that you probably won't take me back but I know that if you did I'd never do anything like that ever again. Just let me come around and talk about this."

You see that his word is genuine. You text him back.

"Ashton, please let me think about this in peace, I do love you but honestly all I need right now is Space. Come around to mum and dads tomorrow to talk about this face to face."

As the night unfolds, you decide that turning your phone off is the only way to get some peace, texts coming in every 5 minutes done your head in so your phone was off and in your suitcase, waiting for it to be turned on tomorrow.

Tears streaming down your cheeks made it hard to sleep, the rain pattering on the window didn't help either. You sat up all night thinking about the situation. How could one person do so much emotional damage to you? That was the thing you just couldn't understand.

As you look out the window, the sky is a light orange indicating the sun rise. The alarm next to you reads 6:19am. The four walls around you making it hard to escape your thoughts. As the time kept ticking by, your mind couldn't rest causing 9am to come quicker than ever.

You pick up your phone and turn it on, unknowing what might be on it. The vibration wouldn't stop for at least a minute, indicating that there was a lot of texts you needed to read  through. You go to you inbox and delete every single one of them. Twitter was the only place you could go to find love from the fans. Even if you hadn't told them, Ashton's continuous tweets alerted them, realising that the emotional pain the both of you were in was a lot. You check Ashton's page.

"I lost her, I loved her so much that I lost her and now I don't know what to do."

He had also retweeted a tweet that stood out.

"@inspirationalquotes: I will never love anything the way I loved you."

Yet again, tears stream down your cheeks. You text Ashton, asking him to meet you at the place you first met. He texts you back immediately agreeing.

You drive your car all the way to this empty field, this is where fall out boy played a few years ago, you two bumped into each other and from there, it was love at first sight.

You notice Ashton's truck pull up next to you, he got out. His eyes so shallow, tears staining his face. Tiredness marking his eyes.

He opens your door and you get out, wrapping your arms around him as he crus on your shoulder.

"I know I fucked up. Please give me another chance. I promise it'll never happen again. Y/N, please forgive me."

He weeps. You nodding. He lifts his head and kisses your lips.

"Come on baby. Let's go home and sleep."

You say as you two drive home back to back and cuddle in bed as you both fall asleep.

Matthew Healy,  George Daniel and 5SOS preferences.Where stories live. Discover now