70//His Vows// (ALL)

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"I promise that I will love you with all my heat." George starts, tears already flowing down your rose red cheeks. "I promise to always help you do the dishes because I know how much you hate that. I promise to always back down during arguments because I know that you won't stop until you say the last word, honestly you're the best thing that had ever happened to me, you've made me better. I swear that I will always buy tai sweet chilli Doritos while we watch Netflix, because I know that you won't stop complaining until I go to the store and buy them for you. Honestly I can't wait until I can wake up tomorrow with my beautiful wife by my side."


"You're special to me, you're the only person who I wouldn't mind losing sleep for, the one I could never get bored of talking to and you're my constant thought throughout the day. You're the only person who can make me smile without trying, bring down my mood without the intention to and effect my emotions with every action of yours. I can't explain with just words what you mean to me, but you're the only one I'm afraid of losing and the one I want to keep in my life. I'm so lucky to be standing here with such an amazing women, you have changed me for the better and I'm so happy to be by your side right now baby."


"I was told by my amazing mother these exact words...if you're ever lucky enough to find a girl who can put up with the Hemmings family, then you should definitely marry her." The family on both sides laugh because they know how true it is. "Now here I am marrying the only girl who could put up with us. All jokes aside, you're my best friend and you make me smile everyday, there's so many reasons why we're standing here together right now but the most important reason is because you never left. You never gave up on me, through my good and my bad phases, you were there and I'm here for you, that's why we're stood here at this very minute, because we never gave up on each other, I love you with all my heart and I'm ready for whatever life throws at us."


"I love your crazy hair that gets big whenever you brush it, I love your eyebrows and how the colour doesn't match your hair but they're always perfect! I love your big lips. I really love them. I love messing with your nose and you saying STOP in your child voice. I love tickling you and hearing you laugh. I love your mind and the way you think about things. I love how you get upset when I'm not loving. I love watching you read, I love how much you love me. Honestly you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and in front of all these people here, I vow to take care of you when you really need someone, I vow to give you my shoulder when you need someone to cry on. I love you. That's all that really matters my love."


"I remember seeing your beautiful face on the other side of the game store, getting out Guitar Hero, but at that time you didn't even realise that I was an actual guitar player. I taught you how to jam. But baby, you are amazing, you look beautiful and I'm so lucky to be marrying my best friend. I'm so lucky!! I'm glad you like to play Nintendo and love coming on tour. You're the best company ever and I'm so happy that we're here today, in front of all our family and friends showing them that we love each other. It's been the best 8 years of my life, I'm excited for the next 80 years with you."


"Today marks a day that will never be forgotten. I love you more than anything. You still give me butterflies and it's been over 6 years. The love between you and I just fits, the connection between us just can't be explained. I love your beautiful eyes, they're so full of light and happiness, I hope that I exceed your expectations because you're honestly the most amazing person I've ever met. Thank you for helping me through all my hard times. I'm excited to explore the world with you, right there by my side. I'm excited for being able to love you for as long as we live. I'm in love with the most beautiful person on earth. Thank you for everything."

Matthew Healy,  George Daniel and 5SOS preferences.Where stories live. Discover now