49//Dear Diary// (G.D) ONE SHOT REQUEST

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Requested for @1975xox

Thursday 25th of March

You write in your diary. You sit on your window ledge seat and take down things that mean something to you. The sun was just falling and the moon was clearly shinning bright in the sky. The alarm clock next to you reads 6:42pm. You flick through the pages of your red journal, the book that holds every secret you've ever kept in it along side your bucket list which you come back to often to tick off.

'Dear diary' you start off 'Today George told me he loved me, I mean it was amazing and all but I don't know if I'm actually ready for love right now! It's not that I don't love him, it's just that he's the first person I've ever had a physical attraction too. His beautiful eyes pull me in every time we speak. I told him to prove it to me that he loved me and the confusion on his face seemed like he didn't know how too.' Your fingers glide through your hair and over the back of your neck. This keeps you relaxed when you're stressed or upset. 'I love George! He is one of the greatest people I've ever met! His muscles attract me even more and his smile is the most beautiful thing in the whole world.' You end it at that as the frustration gains in your mind.

You flick through your journal and re-read your quotes. Your journal is pretty much a tumblr book, full of quotes that inspire your words. You stop on one which was personal to you.

"When you fall for someone's personality, everything else is beautiful about them."


Today the diner was empty, just you and a shaggy haired, tall male, sitting in the corner of the room. The staff knew you by your first name because it was the place you went to every week to clear your mind of all the bad things that have happened to you within the week.

You notice the tall man get up out of his seat. Grabbing all the things that he brought in with him. You think nothing of it and get back to the sudoku in the back of the newspaper.

The man walks passed you and clears his throat. "Excuse me miss, I was just wondering if I could come and sit by you." You look at him weirdly and take note of all the empty tables in the diner. You furrow your eyebrows, causing him to laugh to himself. "I'm sorry, it's just that you look really lonely and I'm guessing you seen me looking really lonely and I thought maybe we could be lonely together but if you want me to go the. That's fine too, sorry." He rants walking towards the exit.

"Wait!!! I'm sorry, you can sit with me I guess." He stops and turns around and walks towards your stall.

"George." he gestures a handshake. "It's nice to meet you." His beautiful eyes dwell upon you and you melt at the sight of him.

"Sarah." You say to him, putting your hand out and interacting with his greeting. "So what do you do?" You ask, hoping not to intrude on him.

"I'm in a band. You may have heard of us...The 1975." He says. You nod and he continues to speak about his tour and the other boys in the band. The two of you hit it off immediately after that, causing a longtime friendship. Unknown that that's not all it would turn into.

*Flash Forward.*

George walks into your bedroom, obvious that your mum let him in. "Sarah, look what I found." He says, pulling a newspaper out of his bag. You look at it not knowing what he was getting at. You knew that you'd seen that front page before. "It's your sudoku that you did the first time we met." He jogs your memory and you realise that it was. How special! You ask if you could keep it and he agrees, throwing it straight into your journal, along with the photo he took of you so that he wouldn't forget what you looked like.

This was how he proved that he loved you.

(A/n so sorry it took so long! But i hope you like it x)

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