25//Tweets// (5SOS)

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@Ashton5sos: New Zealand was fucking wicked! Jumped off the sky tower! Still wish my girl @y/t/n was there to see me.

@Y/T/N: Calum told me you scream the whole way to the bottom. You pussy 😉

@Ashton5sos: @Y/T/N @Calum5sos Fuck you Calum.


@Luke5sos: @Michael5sos stole my favourite pair of underwear today and played the MSG gig, now they smell like cheese and sweat. Thanks mate

@Y/T/N: @Luke5sos @Michael5sos Are they the ones that you wore when we first fucked?

@Michael5Sos: @Y/T/N @Luke5Sos Ewwww no wonder why they smelt like cheese when I got them. You stink fucks.

@Luke5Sos: @Y/T/N @Michael5sos that's my girl! 💜


@Calum5Sos: Was at the bar in San Fransisco last night, wanting to know who the girl was that I talked to for about 3 hours, was too drunk to remember your name but would like to get dinner!

@Y/T/N: @Calum5sos You were pretty drunk but it sure was great to meet you, dinner sounds good, Dm me


@Michael5sos: Finally! After 6 long years, @Y/T/N beats me in Teken! 6 FUCKING YEARS.

@Y/T/N: @Michael5sos What about that time I kicked your ass in COD, yeah didn't think I'd let you live that one down.

@Michael5sos: @Y/T/N Lets not talk about this here and now yeah babe 😉😚☺️

Matthew Healy,  George Daniel and 5SOS preferences.Where stories live. Discover now