10//Home From Tour// (5SOS)

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"Aircraft 58674 has arrived at it's destination." A small crowd of screaming girls emerge from around the corner. Thrill over powers your body as your phone vibrates in your back pocket.

"From Ashy Baby.

Fuck yes. Finally landed, can't wait to have you in my arms again. I'll see you soon my baby girl ❤️ xxx"

A smile spreads across your face as Calum finally appears from behind the terminal gates. Then cheerful Michael and Luke. You look around and wonder where Ashton was. You walk over to the small crowd while Calum, Luke and Michael sign a few things and take long lasting photos with fans.

Confusion fills your body as a large pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist. You would notice them arms anywhere. You get picked up and you turn to be faced with Ashton. You can't contain your excitement as you jump into his arms once again and wrap your legs around his waist.

Awhs are heard from the group of teenage girls as Ashton kisses your forehead and puts you down.

"I fucking missed you y/n!" The smile that was originally on your face never fades even a little as he grabs your hand and drags you towards the rest of the band and the small crowd of fans, introducing you to his fans by calling you 'my girl.'


5 more minutes until the end of school. Today was so bad. This morning your literacy teacher signalled for you to stay back after class and told you that you were failing English, the two of you arranged some time together for extra study. You wanted to be an English teacher and couldn't find this possible if you weren't getting A's so this made you feel down for the rest of the day.

Science on a Friday is always great because of it being the last subject of the week. The sound of the clock was ticking which kept distracting you from your work. "3....2....1..." A loud ringing sound echoed in your ear causing you to jump. You pack your bag and bring the straps over both your shoulders and rush out the door before anyone could stop you.

As you're walking out of the big school doors which separated you to the 'real world' you notice a familiar car in the school car park, you also notice a familiar person. Your eyes adjust as he notices your face causing him to do his cheeky grin.

"Luke? Luke is that you." He walks closer to you and your eyes adjust.

"Baby!" Luke shouts out to you as you run into his arms and wrap your legs around his waist, kissing his face all over.

"I thought you were on tour for 3 more weeks?" A smile never leaving your face.

"We have 1 week until our next concert. So management told us we could go home and spend this week with family." He put you down but still holds your hand as you squeal in excitement.

The two of you walk to his car and go on a romantic date to the hills and have a nice picnic.


"Y/n, Michael is on the phone." You hear your mother call from downstairs. The sudden jolt that's felt throughout your body gives you goosebumps as you didn't expect Michael to call right now.

"Coming!" You drop your pens and excuse yourself from drawing with your little brother. You run downstairs to notice your mum holding the phone with a massive grin. "Thanks." You politely snatch it from her hands, anxious to see why Michael didn't text before he rung you.

"Hey babe." Chills sent down your spine as his voice lingers through the phone. "What are you doing?" He asks before you could even say hello.

"Me and (your/brothers/name) are drawing nice pictures to stick on my wall. What are you doing?" You smile as you're excited to hear about his day. He always has such wicked stories from tour whenever you two talk.

"Luke actually slipped last night on stage and about 15,000 fans pissed themselves laughing." A laugh escapes your lips as you hiccup and think about how clumsy Luke is all the time. "Baby, I have a surprise for you." A smile slowly reappears on your face as you ask him what it is. Michaels surprises were so great because they were always so unexpected.

"Michael you know how much I don't like surprises." You lie through the phone as you didn't want to seem like a bitch.

"Turn around." Butterflies float around in your stomach as you follow his instructions. A huge smile appears as you turn to be faced with a very cheeky Michael, holding chocolates and roses.

You run up to him as fast as you can jumping into his arms after he drops his gifts, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.

"You are so fucking sneaky! How did you get here?" You smile as you plant dozens of kisses over his face.

"Your mum came and picked me up from the airport while she was 'out shopping', I'm so happy to see you baby. I can't believe that I finally have you in my arms again." You lead him to your room kicking your brother out so you and Michael could have some 'alone time.' 😏


You feel a weird vibe as you lay on your bed steering at your photo filled walls. Mainly of you and your boyfriend Calum Hood from the Australian Boyband 5 Seconds Of Summer.

*zzz zzz* your phone vibrates on your white painted draws. "Calum the Asian 😘😏" is plastered over you phone screen.

"Hello baby." His voice sends chills down your spine and dozens of butterflies escape into your stomach. You haven't seen Calum in 3 months and 9 days. He was touring around America but tonight was his last show so he should be home tomorrow night.

"Hey handsome. How's the U.S?" You smile as you wait for him to tell you all the stories.

"Babe I need to confess something." Butterflies start flying hopelessly around your stomach as you're anxiety kicks in and you think of the worse case scenario.

"Is everything okay?" You question.

"Baby look outside." You start walking towards your balcony door. You open it to reveal a dozen roses and a note reading "I hope you love these. Go downstairs into the lounge."

You explain to Calum how he shouldn't spend any money on you. "Baby! I love you too much. Please listen to the note." You walk down the stairs into the lounge.

You're smile grows bigger as Calum stands in the middle of the lounge with another dozen roses, a box of heart shaped chocolates and a box.

You run up to Calum as he drops it all on the couch and opens his arms for you to jump into them.

"Y/n, I love you more than life itself. You are my life and I want you to be forever in it." Calum gets on one knee and pulls the ring out. "Will you do me the honour of being my wife?" Tears stream down your face as you didn't realise how romantic Calum was. You nod and kiss him all over.

"I love you Calum." You smile as he picks you up and takes you to bed.

"I love you too beautiful."

Matthew Healy,  George Daniel and 5SOS preferences.Where stories live. Discover now