72//He takes you to the place you first met for valentines day// (M.H & G.D)

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Place you first met - Disneyland.

You roamed the happiest place on earth, trying to find a store to buy your little sister a Cinderella dress. You were with your best friend and you finally found a store where you could purchase the dress. You look around and spot it, white and blue glistening in the middle of the store, you look through to find her size and grab it, you couldn't help but look around the store a bit more. You find beautiful little high heels that would fit perfectly with the dress. You grab them too and are ready to pay. You place the items on the counter and rummage through your bag, finding the exact change to give to the cashier. You place the money on the counter and look at the cashier to send them a friendly smile. As you look up you notice a male with long shaggy hair, scanning your items. "This will look nice on you." He says, with a slight British accent, sending you a half smile. "It's not for me." You say as you giggle. "You're very beautiful." He says. You smile and push your hair from your face, you look at his name tag. "Thank you Matt."  He laughs and scans the heels. "It's Matty love." "I'm sorry." You reply, highly embarrassed. "It's fine. You could go on a date with me to make it up?" He asks, writing down his number and passing it to you. "I finish in 15 minutes and would love to take you out on the Ferris wheel." You smile, hand him the cash, taking your bags and you nod. "I'll see you in 15 minutes." You say, taking his number and smiling from ear to ear.

You stare at the diamond ring that now covered half your finger. Happiness spreading across your face. Today was Valentine's Day and you really knew Matty would pull off an amazing day today. You wake up at the crack of dawn and dress in skinny jeans and a rock t shirt, putting your hair in a high bun and spreading your foundation and liquid eyeliner  and lipstick across your face. Matthew walks into your bedroom. "Babe, I have a surprise for you today. But you have to be blindfolded." You turn to the clock on your table as it reads 9:42am. Nerves overcome your body as your now fiancé Matthew puts your eye mask on as your vision is now impaired. "I'll grab your hand and take you to the car." He says, you hear him rummage in the kitchen and grab the back pack you seen this morning on the bench. You feel Matthew grab your hand and pull you towards the front door, you feel him out your phone in your front pocket and grab the car keys right next to them. He helps you through the door and locks it behind you two. A smile spreads across your face as even after four years of being together, he can still surprise you. After around 30 minutes of driving and 5,000 turns, the car comes to a complete stop and Matthew turns off the car. "I'm going to come and open your door and then I'll take off your blindfold." His British accent still slightly there, sending chills down your spine. "Yes sir." You reply, hearing his lips seperate into a smile. You hear his door open and close then you hear your door open, he helps you out and positions you in a place for you to see your surprise. "Y/N, I love you, I wanted today to be a very special day so I thought I'd bring you to your favourite place in the world. Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart, I love you so much baby." You smile and feel him kiss your forehead, he takes off you blindfold and your stood in front of Disneyland, the place you and Matthew met four years ago. Happiness overcomes your body and you hug Matthew. "I love you so much Matthew."


Place you first met - J.Cole concert.

Today was the day you were going to j.Coles concert with your best friends. Your alarm clock forces you out of your deep sleep, you look over at it and read the time; 8:45am. You smile as you remember today was the day you were seeing your favourite musician. You call up you two best friends. "Guess what today is." You say In your three way call. "It's J.Coles concert tonight! Fuck yes." One of the girls say as a smile spreads across your face. "I'll see you all in two hours biatch." Your other friend says as the call is ended. You get out of bed, fixing it up before you leave your room. You walk downstairs and meet with you mum, making a healthy breakfast. You all had to get your things ready earlier because you had to drive 4 hours to get to the city Cole was playing at and to get to your hotel room in enough time to get ready. You had planned to leave at 11, making sure you're there before 4 and have enough time to get ready and then make it to the arena before 7. Excitement overcomes your emotions as you and your mum talk about your plans for today and tonight. After breakfast, your two best friends show up at your door, both there before 11. They have a wee snack and you all pack up the car and head out. You all took turns at driving and being in the front seat to make it fair on everyone.
~4 hours later~
You finally make it to the hotel and start getting ready. You put on your foundation and decide to make your eyeshadow smokey. You also wear Dolce K, Kylie Jenners Lipkit. You put on your thigh high boots and you three girls made a top weeks ago, long enough to be a short dress which had 'Coles Girl' on the front and 'Coles World' on the back. You's all leave the hotel 25 minutes before the concert starts, just to get there in time to get seated and find your front row. Excitement now pounding through you as J.cole comes onto the stage singing no role models. "First things first rest in peace uncle Phil." The whole crowd screaming his lyrics, you start jumping round and get so caught up in the moment you bump into someone behind you and fall to the ground. "I'm so fucking sorry." You say, picking yourself up, looking for support. The person you bumped into extends their arm, helping you up. "It's fine love." He rubs his finger over your head, blood now on his fingers. "We should probably go and wipe that up. Must make sure you don't have a concussion." He holds your hand, exiting the arena and walking towards the toilets. "Wait here and I'll get some tissues from the bathroom." His British accent making his appearance even hotter, he had shaggy hair and a smile to die for. He comes out moments later and cleans the blood from your forehead. "I'm George by the way." He says, extending his arm out again but this time for you to shake it. "Y/n." You say back, smiling from ear to ear. You still hear J.Cole rapping and didn't really want to waste anymore time. "Thank you for helping me out but I really love J.Cole and don't really want to waste anymore time." You send him a smile and he nods, you two walk back to the arena together. Wet Dreamz come on and you know this song word for word. As you rap as good as you could, you notice the gentlemen you were just with staring and smiling at you while you sing. You turn to him and grab his hands and dance with him. To your surprise, George starts rapping, knowing the whole song word for word, just like you. You smile and continue dancing with him right till the very end. After J.Cole had left the stage, you turn to George and smile. "That was amazing." You said, gushing. George pulled out these lanyards from his pocket and hands one to you. "One of my friends couldn't make it tonight so I was wondering if you wanted to join me and the few friends that actually could make it and go backstage to meet Cole?" He asks you, your eyes widen and your jaw drops. You look at your two friends who are rushing to get out so they would miss the traffic. "I'll meet you guys at the hotel."  You send them a 'this guy is really fucking hot' look as they smirk and nod. You and George, alongside four other people in the group, line up to go backstage. Meeting your biggest idol. Afterwards, George joins you at your hotel where you pigged out and watched movies all night.

Tomorrow is the day that you and George were getting married...Finally. And today represented Valentine's Day. During the seven years of knowing him and being with him he now is in a band with three of his friends who went to the concert you first met at, you two now have a 3 year old daughter named Evelyn, you own your own house together and now, after 7 years of being with George, you'd finally decided that tomorrow was the day you two would tie the knot. You get a random text from George.

"Hey my soon to be wife.
         I have a very very very special surprise
        For my very very very special girl. Could
       You please meet me at the hall at 5       
       please. Let's just call it a Valentine's
      Day gift 😏😍💖
Love from the hottest groom you'll ever meet."

A smile spreads across your face as George makes you the happiest girl in the world. You text him back.

"Hey my sexy hubby.
          I'll see you at the hall at 5 baby.
Love from the hottest wife you'll ever meet 😉"

You look at your phone and check the time. 2:00. 5 is in another 3 hours. God dammit. You lay in your bed and go through your twitter reading all the nice things people are saying about how excited they are for the wedding. You post on twitter how happy you are and thank the fans for all their support throughout the years. Soon, time goes by and it's 5 to 5. You walk to the main hall which was only a 2 minute walk from the hotel and see your handsome fiancé standing in front of the doors. He looks so so handsome, he always does. You smile, impatiently. "George, what's my surprise?" You say eagerly, smiling at his gorgeous face. "Baby, this has been the best 7 years of my life, I'm so lucky to have you by my side. I honestly knew you were the one as soon as you fell on the floor at Coles concert and I had to take you to the toilets to clean up your bleeding head.." he grabs your hands and you smile, slowing tearing up. "Three years ago, you had our beautiful baby Evelyn, that was another amazing day that I'll never in my life forget. Through all our happiness and all our pain, you and I are standing here, at the place where we will be having our wedding reception, I'm looking at you, you're looking at me, we both look amazing together and I always wonder how I got so lucky. So right now, through those doors I have the biggest surprise for you. I always wish we could go back to the first night we met and do it all again. I couldn't take you to another J.Coles concert...So I decided to bring J.Cole here." He flings open the doors to the hall and you see J.Cole standing on the stage, no role models start playing as George grabs your waste. "I'm sorry you missed No role models the first time, so I thought I'd let you listen a second time. I love you so much y/n, you and Evie are the best things that have ever happened to me and if I needed to impress you all over again, I hope this would." You smile from ear to ear as you and George rap No role Models together, hand in hand. "First things first rest in peace uncle Phil."

(A/N, I'm sorry, George's was so much longer but I hope you all like this as it actually is pretty good and I hope you all have a good day/night. I love you all and thank you all for 11K reads. Thank you.)

Matthew Healy,  George Daniel and 5SOS preferences.Where stories live. Discover now