Chapter 31 - No Matter Where You Are

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Jack Johnson is back in this chapter!! You're welcome! This chapter is just leading onto what I have planned, so keep your eyes open. The hints are small, but they're there. But let's just enjoy Jack and Elena's cute relationship for now. You guys didn't want any drama for awhile, so here we are.


"I enjoy morning like these," Jack whispered.

"Like what?" I asked him, absentmindedly tracing the patterns of his arm muscles.

"Mornings where we just spend hours cuddling in bed," he clarified; his voice still a bit raspy and deep, due to the fact that he was still in his sleepy state."It feels good to have you in my arms with no worries whatsoever, and just talking about life."

"It's peaceful isn't it?" He responded with a slight nod, and his breathing was getting heavier again. "You're still sleepy, aren't you?" I questioned him, feeling kind of bad that I had woken up early in the morning by my attempt of untangling myself from him without waking him up, which had failed obviously. "Go back to sleep. I'll leave you alone."

I started to pulled away from him, but he only pulled me closer to him, with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"No, don't go," he whined. "I'm not ready to let go of your warmth yet."

I let out a slight chuckle. "You're cute when you're clingy, but don't get too attached to me now."

"I'm not clingy. I just love your presence. There's a difference," he argued.

"Sure there is," I replied sarcastically.

"Plus, I'm not cute. I'm sexy."

I could almost picture him pouting a bit as he said that, making me laugh. "And sure you are."

He poked at my ribs, and I squirmed in his arms. "Take that back," he said jokingly.

"Make me," I joked back, feeling a smile slowly stretch itself across my face.

"You asked for it," he said mischievously, before poking at my sides once more, then going all out there and tickling my sides.

I squirmed even more, moving about the bed. "Jack, stop!" I squealed, shutting my eyes close, so I wouldn't laugh to give him the satisfaction in that factor.

"Admit it," he said.

"Admit what?" I asked, purposely picking at his buttons.

My response wasn't a good one, considering he tickled me even more, resulting into me laughing out loud now, unable to hold it in. I kicked around, and accidentally kicked his crotch. He stopped tickling me, holding his precious manhood, and groaned out in pain.

"Damn, Ellie. No need to be so aggressive."

"I'm sorry," I said shyly, kneeling next to him as he winced every once in awhile. "If it makes you feel any better, you are pretty sexy in the morning," I whispered the last part quietly.

He perked up right away, leaning closer to me, a teasing smile evident on his face. He cupped his ears, and said, "What'd you say? I don't think I got that."

I punched his arm, earning a muttering response of, "You sure are aggressive today," from him. I couldn't help the big smile that appeared on my face at the feelings he was giving me. "Don't push it, Gilinsky."

He pecked my lips, before going right below my ear, and kissing me there. I took a sharp intake of breath, as he whispered in my ear, "You're pretty sexy every single day."

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