Chapter 33 - Ours

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Guys, have faith in Ivy now.

This chapter is so cute. 

Btw, no one has figured out what's about to go down yet.

Don't forget to vote and leave comments, so I know you guys aren't getting bored of this story!!


"We made it," I exclaimed happily to Jack. "We're in the semifinals! We just need to survive one more week, and we're off to the finals!" In my ecstatic state, I wrapped my arms around Jack and jumped onto him, securing my legs around his waist. He laughed, but stumbled a bit, obviously not expecting my sudden action at all. "We can possibly win this," I whispered to him.

He had wrapped his hand tightly around my waist, so that I wouldn't fall. "Who knew we'd make it this far?" he whispered back to me.

"Definitely not me," I chuckled lightly. I held his head in my hands, and he instantly smiled at my touch, making me stomach erupt with the fluttering of butterflies. "It's alright if we don't win, because I already have you."

"You stole my line," he joked. "I'm usually the cheesy one."

I shrugged, a big smile still on my face. "Thought I'd play that role for a day."

He unwrapped one of his arms from me, and tapped my nose. "I take my role back now, because without that, I'm just an ordinary guy."

I was beginning to slip from his grasp, so I smacked his hand away from my nose, and placed it on his other arm again. He chuckled, and walked over to a chair, sitting on it. I was straddling his lap, and he slowly released me from his arms. He didn't move his touch away from me - which I really liked - but instead, he was still holding onto the skin near my hips.

I ran my hands through his hair to get some of his longish hair out of his face, only to have it fall back onto his forehead. I still kept doing it though, knowing that he secretly loved it. "You're anything but ordinary," I whispered to him. "If you were, I would have been able to move on from you."

He clutched onto my arms, and brought my hands down. He clasped my hands in his, and kissed me on the lips. "Well, I'm glad then." He carried me off of his lap, and said, "C'mon, let's go celebrate."

I nodded and we started to walk out, hand in hand, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard a heartbreaking sob. I turned around in my heels to see Avery crouched over in a corner, with her head tucked carefully between her knees.

I walked over to her, my heart breaking every single time I heard her cry. I placed my hand on her shoulder, making her stop her movements all together. She stopped crying a bit, and her trembling stopped also.

She slowly looked up at me, and my heart broke even more taking in her messy face. Her makeup was smeared, and her long bangs were stuck to her wet cheeks. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"You don't need to apologize," I spoke softly. "I'd be like that too, if I were in your position."

"I just really wanted to win, you know?" She used the back of her hand to wipe her tears. "I wanted to prove to my parents that I could do something. I wanted to be something my sister wasn't."

My heart hurt for her, because I understood her pain. I squeezed her shoulder in a desperate attempt to comfort her, but I didn't know what to say. I looked behind my shoulder to see Jack was also looking at her in sympathy. I knew he hurt for her too, and I didn't feel jealous, surprisingly, that he still cared for her. I mean, she did help him in a lot of ways, more than I could.

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