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Lauren was a young girl when it happened. It was the summer after her second year of high school. Her friends had invited her to a party, and after much promising and begging to her parents, she was allowed to go. 

Once the teens entered the house the party was being held in, the strong aroma of alcohol and weed wafted through their noses and her friends quickly left her. Lauren, being a intelligent student, was in advanced courses. This meant that she did not have many, or any, friends her age; they were all older than her. This also meant that she was freshly sixteen years old and naïve to drugs, alcohol, and did not have much experience with boys. 

So when a boy, a popular senior, asked her to dance, she agreed quickly enough, seeing as he was the only person that wasn't intoxicated. But, that led to more, and soon escalated to a bedroom, and Lauren did something that she would change the rest of her life. 


Hey guys!! I'm so excited to start this story! I hope you enjoy.

PS, I'm going to have to change the girls' ages, however, it won't be placed in the future. That probably doesn't make sense now, but it will later on. 

Thanks so much, and have a great day!

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