thirty one

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(Use this image for reference when mentioned in the chapter. Yes, I know that's Simone Biles, but pretend it's Averi. And insert Lucy Hale in the picture lol)

Lauren's POV:

"Mother!" Averi said for what felt like the thousandth time in the past twenty minutes.

"Averi Grace Jauregui. If you say my name again—" I began, looking at her through the rearview mirror.

"Okay, geez. I'm just bored. When are we gonna be there?" She asked in surrender.

"Almost," I told her, pulling into the Warners Brothers Lot.

"Name and ID" The security at the gate of the lot said, and I got out of my car.

"I'm Lauren Jauregui, and I'm here for Troian Bellisario," I told him, showing him my ID.

He checked it, and looked through some papers, before looking at me again. "Yes, your name is on the list. It says you have 2 people with you? Just wear these tags at all time, and you should be fine," He said. I thanked him, and got back into the car.

"Mom! Where are we? Why did you get out of the car?"

"Averi. I love you but shut up! You'll see in like two seconds," I told her.

We finally reached the Pretty Little Liars set, and I parked my car behind it, making sure no signs were visible.

"C'mon Aves. Let's go," I called my daughter and she got out of the car, confusion evident in her face. We walked around the building, with her trying to pry answers out of me. "Averi. I need you to trust me right now. Close your eyes, and come with me," I grabbed her hands as she hesitantly closed her eyes.

We walked into the main doors, and followed the signs to the dressing rooms, and found Troian's room, where she had told me to meet her. When I opened the door, I saw her, sitting on a couch, on her phone.

She looked up at me and waved excitedly, not wanting to ruin the surprise by talking.

"Now AJ. I'm going to count to three and you open your eyes,okay?"

"Mom, I'm scared. Are you about to kill me? Are these my last moments? I never got my first kiss. Or graduated. I never met Lucy Hale or Troian Bellisario! GOODBYE WORLD!" My dramatic daughter said.

"Oh would you quit being so dramatic? Open your eyes," I rolled my eyes as she opened her eyes, and blinked, getting adjusted to the bright light before turning foreword.

"You were saying about never meeting Troi—" I smirked.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! MOM! MOM! THAT'S TROIAN BELLISARIO! MOM! TROIAN BELLISARIO IS STANDING IN FRONT OF ME. MOM I'M GOING TO DIE," Her face began to turn red from lack of oxygen as she calmed down, still shaking.

Averi's POV:

I slowly returned my breathing to normal. My face was still red. Probably half from embarrassment and half from excitement.

"Mom!" I squealed, still not over the fact that I was 5 feet away from one of my favorite actresses.

"Hey, Averi!" Troian laughed, and I blushed more. Half of my wanted to disappear and the other half wanted to fangirl and hug her.

"You're so tiny and cute!" She squealed, coming close to me, silently asking for permission to give me a hug, which I obviously gave.

"H..Hi," I told her shakily. "I'm sorry, I'm not usually a fangirl. I try to keep it inside but I couldn't help it," I giggled and she smiled.

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