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Lauren's POV:

I looked at the fragile, thin, sickly boy on the bed. This wasn't the brother I had known and loved. I reached my hand down to his sleeping figure when suddenly I heard a noise from one of the machines Chris was hooked up to.

"What the hell is that?" I asked worringly moving closer to my younger brother only to be pushed back by a group of nurses and doctors that had barged in.

"What's going on?" I screamed to the nurse that was ushering me out.

"Ma'am we need you to calm do-"

"No! That's my brother, what the hell is going on?" I screamed at him, but he just pushed me out of the room, and helped the other nurses urgently wheel Chris's gurney somewhere else.

I just watched them wheel Chris away, in full hysterics until two small arms wrapped around me.

"Momma, are you okay?" the angelic voice of my daughter rang through my ears.

"Yeah bubba, I'm just worried about your uncle. How about you go and talk to your Aunt Tay and call your grandma over hear, please?" I asked her.

"Sure," she said before kissing my temple and running to my family who were already coming towards me.

I waited for my mom to come and the minute she wrapped her arms around me, I started crying again.

"Momma, what's going to happen to him?" I asked in between my tears.

"I don't know Laur, I wish I did," she said, her voice hoarse, indicating that she was crying.

We waited in the waiting room for another six hours. The doctor's had imformed us that Chris's heart had stopped, and was needed to go into surgery immediatly. None of us really talked, but we all wanted one thing. For Chris to be alright.

"Ju-Jaguar-Jaguarh?" A voice filled the empty waiting room, and we all turned to see the doctor by the door.

"Jauregui," my dad corrected, walking up to the doctor.

"I apologize, Mr. Jauregui. I presume Christopher is your son then, correct?" He asked and my parents nodded. "I'm so incredibly sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Mr. and Mrs. Jauregui, but unfortunately Chris has passed away. He was stable, but had another heart failure. I'm so incredibly sorry and I wish you all the best in these hard times. I'll give you all a bit of time," he said and walked away.

My parents turned to us, tears filling their eyes. Taylor was sitting on her seat in shock, and Averi was crying to herself next to me. I, I was numb. I couldn't feel any pain, but I knew it would come soon. And when it did, nobody would want to be around me.

"I'm going out. I'll be back," I whispered getting up from the seat.

"Laur-" My dad's voice broke.

"I'm going out," I said firmly and they didn't try to stop me. I walked out to the quiet parking lot, walking to my car, which my parents had told me they'd brought to the hospital. I got in and immediatly pressed my foot on the pedal. I drove all around town with no destination, until some twinkling fluorescent lights caught my eye.

I immediately parked into the closest parking spot I could find. I walked in flashing my ID and sat at the bar.

"Can I please have two of the strongest thing you have. I don't care what is, please" I asked the bartender and he nodded, getting right to work. He presented me with the drinks and I quickly downed them, sliding him a fifty.

"Again, please." I told him, and that's how my night went.

After I had drank more than I could count, I pulled out my phone, flinching when the bright light hit my eyes. I looked at the time, 4:00 AM and realized I had been at the bar for 4 hours. I drunkenly looked through my texts, all from my mom.

Mom: Lauren, are you alright? 12:07AM

Mom: Lauren, where are you? 12:15AM

Mom: Lauren, Averi is sobbing because she woke up from a bad dream. 12:32AM

Mom: Answer your phone. 12:34AM

 7 missed calls

Mom: Please, we're getting worried. 12:47AM

Mom: If you're not back in one hour, Dad's going to come looking for you. 12:52AM

Mom: Dad couldn't find you . 2:04AM

Mom: Averi needs you Lauren.  3:17AM

Taytay: Averi just had a panic attack. Come back Laur. You're a mother now, but you're sure not acting like one right now. 3:56AM

After reading the texts, I slid another fifty across the countertop and stumbled out of the bar and to my car, barely managing to get in. Somehow, I managed to drive to the hospital, alive, and walked up to Chris's room. As soon as I opened the door, everyone stood up, running to me.

"We were worried, Lauren. Don't ever worry us like that again!" My mom said, sobbing.

"L-leave m-e alone," I slurred and my mother slowly let go of me and walked back.

"Are you drunk Laur?" my dad asked, cautiously.

"Noooooo," I replied, giving them the confirmation.

"Lauren. Your brother has died, your family's mourning, and your daughter's having panic attacks, and you're out getting drunk?" my mom asked, in disbelief.

"Speaking of, where's that little rascalllll?" I slurred, walking around, only to be stopped by my dad.

"There's no way in hell that you're going to see her in your state. Let's go home and you can wash up, then when you're sober, we'll talk," my dad said sternly, ushering me out of the door. We were close to the exit, when I heard a door open, and turned around to see my ten year old walking out of the bathroom.

"Momma!" she screamed, rushing towards me with open arms and hugged me, but let go when I didn't reciprocate.

"What's wrong Momma?" she asked me, quietly, stroking my arm.

I pushed her arm away. "Get away from me you little brat!" I told her and she walked backwards.

"Mom-" she started.

"No! What the hell is wrong with you. Why can't you just let me have a few hours of peace?" I screamed at her. "I hate you!" I shouted.

"No, you don't mean th-" her voice trembled.

"Yes, I do! Get the hell away from me, you bitch. I want nothing to do with you. You killed my brother. I should've aborted you when I had the damn chance," I spat, running out, my father chasing me, and my daughter, mother, and sister frozen in fear.

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was the sob of my little daughter.


Hey guys.

Please don't kill me. I was a emotional mess during this chapter. I'm sorry I haven't updated, but I will, again.

Anyways, what did you guys think of this chapter? I hope you liked it..What do you want to happen next?

Also, thank you for 9.5K views, that's insane! 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Please stay safe and have fun during this time.

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