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Averi's POV:

"It all started about a year or so after you were born and I was forced to give you away..."Lauren began and I looked at her, anxiously. "I was in a bad place at the time, so I turned to alcohol. At first it was once a month, but gradually, it became a habit. It became a drug. I went into remission last year, and before the...incident, I hadn't drank, but that night, I couldn't help it. I know that is in no way an excuse for my actions. Averi, I love you more than anything. I don't remeber what I said that night, although my family told me, and I am so sorry. I didn't mean any of it. I don't know what happened. Anything that I said to hurt you, I did not mean babygirl. You are my world-my light and life. I don't know what I would do without you. I am so sorry for what I did, and I know that doesn't make my actions any better, but I hope you know how much I regret what I did. I know you lost a lot and maybe all the trust you had in me, and frankly, I don't blame you. You handled it better than I would've if the roles were switched," She continued making me want to roll my eyes. Handled it better than I would've...yeah right; I was weak. I am weak.

"Now, I know that I don't really deserve anything after what I did, and I'm not expecting you to trust me or be comfortable with me right away again, but what I'm asking is if you please give me another chance?" Lauren asked me timidly and I thought for a few minutes before I nodded my head.

"Thank you so much Averi," Lauren told me in tears.

"But, I have a question," I told her, my quiet voice quivering and she looked at me expectantly.

"Can I still sleep in Cammie's room? I'm sorry," my voice trailed off and Lauren looked at me with a sad smile.

"No honey, don't apologize. Of course you can. Whenever you are ready," she said before kissing the top of my head and leaving the room, leaving me and my thoughts.

As soon as I heard the door click shut, I jumped off my bed into my bathroom and locked the door shut. I needed a release. I needed them to stop taunting me. I needed to feel something.


I slipped to the floor by the toilet and wedged my hand through a small space by the porcelain bowl and cabinet, grabbing the small piece of metal that controlled me. Leaning against the wall, I slowly dug the blade into my hip and pulled it across. There was a bit of pain, but the feeling of satisfaction overpowered it. I continued to slide the blade many times until I had no room left. So I moved to my arms.

Once I had covered all the open skin I could find, I washed off the blade and hid it back in its original hiding spot. Then I wrapped my hips and arms and put on a long-sleeved Under- Armour shirt before throwing on a sweatshirt and leaving the room.

As I entered, I saw Camila sitting on the recliner alone, Camila and Ally sittin on the sofa, and Normani and Dinah sitting on the love seat. I walked up to Camila and lifted her arm, snuggling with her, being careful not to put all my heavy weight on her. I looked to my left to where Lauren was watching us, with a glum look and I smiled at her. Her eyes lit up as she reciprocated the action and she turned back to the movie.

"Are you alright honey?" Camila whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I told her.

She nodded and kissed my temple before relaxing and not long afterward falling asleep. I sighed deeply, but wiggled out of her death-grip and walked over to the coffee table where I had put my phone. I grabbed it and opened to Twitter, scrolling through my mentions before stopping at a certain one.

I read the name over and over again, and with shaky hands, clicked on the username to provide a full profile. I walked over to the other single recliner and curled up on it, looking at the account's username. wehateaverijauregui I didn't understand what I had done to the people for the to hate me as much as I had.

The worst part was that they were gaining followers by the second and people were agreeing with their posts about me. I silently cried to myself before wiping my lids and pressing the "Tweet" button.

@AveriJauregui: I don't understand why people hate on others? What did I do to make you hate me so bad?

I tweeted that in the heat of the moment, and the instant I did, my mentions started flooding, and even more hate poured in, but one comment caught my eye.

@DinahJane97: You mess with her. You mess with me. You deserve a poly-beatdown smh...

I smiled slightly at the tweet, looking up to where Dinah was sitting and saw her ushering me over. I walked over nervously and she pointed to the kitchen because everyone else was asleep. We walked there hand in hand and she sat me at the table, her warm orbs looking into mine full of concern and love.

"Are you okay, AJ?" She asked, her tone concerned.

"Um, I'm fine," I lied, trying to avoid her eyes.

"You don't have to lie, Averi," She told me and tears sprung into my eyes.

"I don't know why they hate me? Why do they hate me? I don't know them! What did I do to them," I sobbed and Dinah wrapped her arms around me, comforting me.

"I don't understand D. I don't know how to do this. I want my mom back. I want Lauren, but I'm afraid she will hurt me again. I want to be with her," I cried, this time releasing everything that was bulding up in my head.

Dinah continued to hug me as I continued to cry. For Lauren. For the hate. For myself. For being a failure. For everything.

"Dinah, I don't know what to do. I want Lauren, but I'm afraid she doesn't love me anymore. I don't know how to do this alone. I need her," I cried, wetting Dinah's shirt.

She continued to repeat what she was doing, until she stopped and some shuffling took place. Seconds later, I was embraced by another set of arms. By the person's scent of vanilla and strawberries, I knew who it was. I knew it was my mom, and I couldn't be happier.

I jumped off my chair, and into her welcoming arms, wrapping my hands around her neck. I sobbed into her shoulder and she rubbed my back, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. "I'm sorry Lauren, I love you so much," I told her, my tears falling rapidly onto her neck.

"Baby. You didn't do anything wrong. I love you so much," She whispered and I hid my face into her neck and tears came down my face again. This time more of happiness than saddness. I had my Lauren back.

"I love you so much Lauren. I love you so much," I whispered into her ear and she looked at me before replying.

"I love you so much Averi Sophia. I love you so much and I am never letting you go again," She told me and we stayed like that for what felt like hours. She then stood up, before hoisting me onto her side, and walking to my room, me still in her arms.

She set me on the bed, and lied next to me. Instantly, I cuddled into the embrace I had missed the most. I was still scared that she would hurt me again, but the love and longing feeling had overpowered it. I cuddled into her and held onto her tight. "I love you more than anything, Mommy," I whispered.

I had my mom back.


Hey! I haven't updated in a while. Sorry about that. Also, this chapter is vv short but I have a reason for it. I've been working on another project that I am excited to announce, but I want to finish it first.

So Averi and Lauren are alright now! What do you want to see next?

Sorry if that was very quick and short. I felt like I was dragging it on too long, and needed Lauren&Averi back.

What do you want to see in future chapters?


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