twenty six

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Lauren's POV:
As I lied in bed, and started to doze off, I got a strange gut feeling. Call it whatever you want, but I decided to go and check on Averi, just to make sure.
As I got out of bed, the gut feeling worsened.
It's probably nothing Lauren. Relax.
But something told me otherwise.
I opened Averi's door, half expecting to see her sound asleep, but my other half proved correct.
I saw her bathroom light illuminating from underneath the door and I ran to it, twisting the knob, only to see it locked.
I began to panic, screaming her name, begging her to open the door, but there was no reply.
Out of options, I chose to break the door open.
I used all my weight and pushed into the door with my shoulder. It didn't budge.
I ignored the pain in my shoulder and jammed into the door again and once more it didn't move.
I took a deep breath, and ran into the door once more, and it loosened from the hinges, opening at once.
I rubbed my throbbing shoulder, pushing the door open, but immediately stopped when I saw what was laid out in front of me.
I fell to my knees, in shock, before I started to scream.
"TAYLOR CALL 911!" I screamed at my little sister who ran into Averi's room.
I crawled up to Averi, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.
"Please baby. Don't die on Mommy," I sobbed and I heard Taylor's voice talking to the phone.
I tried to keep the blood coming out from the cuts, but there was too much.
"Laur. Laur. They said to just put pressure on it. Breathe Laur," I looked up at Taylor, seeing her cheeks stained with tears.
Seconds later, I heard the ambulance's noises and the paramedics open the door.
"Ma'am please step away," I heard one of the paramedics say, but I couldn't process it.
"Please ma'am. We need to take care of her," He repeated.
"No. Averi. My daughter. Wake up," I cried.
"If I let go, she dies!" I sobbed, out of it.
I felt two hands pull me off of Averi, and out of the bathroom, when everything went black.
Normani's POV:
I was watching Empire when I heard my phone ring.
Not bothering to check the caller ID, I answered.
"Mani," I heard sobbing.
"Taylor?" I asked, checking the caller ID, proving me right.
"Mani. Come. Averi. Lauren needs you," She said, crying.
"I'm coming babe," I grabbed my phone and keys before running out of the door to the next apartment over.
The door was open so I ran in and to where I could hear noise. Averi's room. And my jaw dropped.
There were paramedics and blood everywhere. Taylor was sobbing by the door and the medics were trying to pull Lauren off of a unconscious Averi. I jumped into action, and pulled Lauren off of Averi, who was quickly put onto the gurney and attached to numerous wired and air mask.
I decided to wash Lauren up first, before allowing her to visit Averi. She couldn't do anything in this state, anyways.
I looked at my best friend, who was still sobbing and calling out her daughter's name.
A couple seconds later, she went quiet and I checked to make sure she was still breathing.
Once I knew she was, I undressed her and placed her in the bathtub, where I washed her and redressed her, placing her into bed.
Then I went to Taylor, who was crying, and pulled her into a hug.
"It's my fault," she cried after I released her.
"No babe, it's not," I tried to comfort her.
"It's my fault. I knew. It's my fault. I did this. It's my fault," She repeated, and I was confused.
"What's your fault, Tay?" I asked the teenager.
"I knew about her self-harming. I found out last night. I should've told Lo. This wouldn't of happened. It's my fault," She repeated and my heart broke.
"No, Tay. It's not your fault. Yes, you should've told, but Averi is depressed. She needs help that's out of your reach. You couldn't of done that," I told her sobbing girl.
"No, but I could've helped," She said.
"Shhh. Tay. Take a nap. Then we'll go see Averi," I said and she lied down, shortly after falling asleep.
After she fell asleep, I called the hospital. They said that Averi was still in surgery and would be done in four hours. They also said no visitors would be allowed, so there was no point to wake up the Jauregui sisters.
I cleaned the bathrooms, before walking to the living room and beginning the long process of calling everyone and letting them know what had happened.

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