twenty seven

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Camila's POV:

Everything seemed to move in slow motion.
"It's Averi"
Those two words I feared so much. Instantly, numerous scenarios went through my head as I ended the phone call and dropped it to the floor, myself following after.
Tears dripped down my face, but I quickly wiped them and took a breath before getting up, and shakily grabbing to my keys, and walked to the car to meet the child who meant so much to me.

I reached the floor Normani had told me to go to and got off the elevator and any hope that Averi would be alright quickly diminished as I saw the big white letter that read:
The tears returned and I looked around at all the sickly children, connected to oxygen tanks, IVs, and ventilators and I approached the designated room, and turned the doorknob, taking another breath and mentally preparing myself for what I was about to see.

But nothing could prepare me for the reality. Averi was on the small hospital bed, with many tubes and wires connected to her, from her chest to her thighs. She had her arms and thighs wrapped with gauze, and my heart stopped when I thought of what it could've been for. She had an oxygen mask, and a tube coming out of her stomache. The yellow lights of the room only made her look smaller, as did the many machines and contraptions.
After the initial shock, I looked around the room to see Normani, sitting in a plastic chair, looking at me with tearshot eyes, Taylor asleep on the couch perpendicular from the bed, and Lauren was sitting on a brown recliner, staring blankly towards Averi, while caressing Taylor's head, calmingly.

"Lo?" I asked, walking up to her slowly, but she didn't answer. "Lauren?" I asked again, and she moved to look at me, almost robot-like.

"Yeah?" She whispered, her voice hoarse.

"Ho—" I began to ask, but stopped when I realized the stupidity of my question. Of course she wouldn't be feeling "okay" when her daughter was in the hospital, on the brink of life and death.
I turned and tapped Normani on the shoulder, who was busy answering texts on Lauren's phone, to her family, I'm assuming.

"Can you come outside for a second?" I asked and she nodded, getting up and following me. I needed to know what was wrong with Averi, but couldn't bring it up in front of Lauren, who was already so broken.

We closed the door behind us and I turned to face the taller girl.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice cracked as I looked up at her.

"Mila..." She began and I prepared for the worst, but nothing could prepare me for the next five words.

"Mila...It was a suicide attempt," She told me, and when I thought the day couldn't get worse, it did.

"Wh-what?" I whispered, in shock.

"She cut herself," Normani said, and I couldn't believe it.

This poor child, tried to kill herself. She was so out of hope, that she decided to end her life. Aren't ten year olds supposed to be playing with dolls and tablets? Not blades.

"Oh my god," I replied, tears streaming down freely.

"Mila?" Normani asked, concern laced in her voice.

"I can't believe it Mani. Little Averi felt so bad about her life that she tried to take it away. What has this world come to?" I asked, in between shaky breaths.

"C'mere Mila," She said and pulled me into a hug. I sobbed into her shoulder, and I knew she was trying to stay strong for everyone, but the wet tear drops falling onto my neck showed hpw much she was truly hurting.

After a few minutes, I released Normani and we both wiped our tears and composed ourselves. 

"I'm going in to see her," I said, referring to both Lauren and Averi.

She nodded, "Dinah and Ally have been calling nonstop, since I haven't updated them. I'm gonna go to the cafeteria and pick up something for Lauren and Taylor, they need to eat. I'll call them there," She told me.

I took another deep breath before turning the doorknob. Seeing Averi on the hospital bed, so fragile and out of life struck me harder than the first time. And the fact that she did it to herself, killed me. 

I walked up to Lauren again. "Lolo?" I asked, softly caressing the roots of her hair, just the way she liked.

She looked and me, body numb but eyes full of pain. 

"Lo?" I asked again, wanting to comfort the brunette as much as I could.

She sadly looked at me before breaking into sobs again. "Camzie!" She cried throwing herself into my chest, her whole body shaking with tears. "My baby girl. She tried to kill herself. I'm a fucking terrible mother. She was hurting so bad and I didn't help her!" She sobbed, my shirt now fully soaked with tears.

"Babe, this wasn't your fault. Don't say that Lo. It wasn't your fault. Averi was hurting long before she met you. If anything, meeting and getting to know you delayed this. You didn't do this. Averi's demons did. She's sick, but don't you worry. When she gets out of the hospital, we'll help her get better. We'll hire the best money can buy for her. But she's strong, like her mom. She will get through this, she's a Jauregui. Now say this with me, 'It wasn't my fault,'" I told her and she continued to cry, although they had subsided by now.

"It wasn't my fault," She whispered after a few minutes of pure silence. She put her head on my lap but held onto my waist.

"Good girl," Now whenever you are feeling doubt, tell yourself. You didn't do this babe. You have to be strong. When Averi wakes up, she needs a stronger support system than ever. She needs all of us to be there for her," I said and she nodded.

"Camz?" She whispered, "Can you stay here?" She asked, full of uncertainty.

"Always, Lo," I replied, kissing the top of her head and playing with her hair until she drifted into a light sleep. 

However, I wasn't even sure if Averi was going to wake up. And that thought killed me the most. I slowly dozed off into a dreamless nap, filled with worries of Averi.


Hallo! I haven't updated in forever! But I'm going to try to update tomorrow also! The fact that this fic has nearly 60K is beyond amazing! Thank you anyone who was read this and spent time out of your precious days to read my writing! It means the world. I love you all.

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I love you guys! Stay strong!

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