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A/N: Watch this video, it doesn't contribute to anything, and its random but adorable:)

Averi's POV:

"I-I need a minute," I said and rushed out, heading to the bathroom. I heard Lauren's quiet sobs gradually rise. I opened the door of the bathroom, which was between the back room where Lauren was and the area where the rest of the girls were, causing all eyes to turn towards me.

"Ju-just go to her," I whispered to the other girls before locking the door, falling to the floor, trying to quiet my cries with fail.

After what felt like hours, but was really only around thirty minutes, I splashed water on my face once more, before slipping on my new hoodie. I walked out to only see Camila on the couch.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" She said quietly, as if she talked louder I would crack.

I nodded and looked around for the rest of the girls. Camila followed my eyes and realized what I was wondering.

"Ally and Dinah are speaking to Will, our manager, and Normani is on the phone. . . and Lauren is asleep" she trailed off and my bottom lip quivered at the mention of her name and Camila noticed immediately.

"No, honey. Gigi, please don't cry," she cooed, standing up and hugging me. Still holding me in her warm embrace, we headed towards the sofa.

"Gigi?" I asked quietly. I liked it, but it was new.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Camila said. "When Lau--we talked about you, we gave you the nickname Gigi — short for Grace —, to feel closer to you. If you don't like it, we can change it though," she said, smiling.

"No, I like it. I like it a lot," I said, leaning into Camila a bit more comfortably now.

"Let's watch a movie. I bet you want to get your mind off this, for now?" Camila asked and I nodded. She smiled, grabbing a blanket and putting it on us. I moved my head down to her lap, with Camila stroking my hair softly as I became engulfed by The Lion King.

I woke up, in the same position as before, but Camila was lying by me, her arm wrapped protectively around me. I didn't even remember falling asleep, or when. I wiggled out of her grasp, waking her in the process.

"Hey Gigi, how are you feeling?" Mila asked.

"Okay, thanks," I said softly and she smiled at me. "What time is it?"

"Its 8:30 in the evening, we rescheduled our show because of that happened today," she murmured and I nodded, lying my head on her shoulder, embarrassed.

I had been in their lives for less than twenty-four hours and I was already causing problems. As my thoughts circulated, I began to feel the familiar sting of fresh tears forming in my eyes. Quickly, I bit my lip, trying to prevent any such thing from happening as I was startled out of my thoughts with a bang.

"Shit" I heard a voice say, turning to it.

"S-Sorry, I was trying to get something," Lauren said, and I nodded, turning my head, refusing to make eye contact.

"Night, Averi," she whispered and walked back into the bunk rooms, closing the door behind her.

"Good Night, Mommy," I whispered quietly once I saw the door was closed, and cried myself back to sleep on the couch.


Lauren's POV:

"Good Night, Mommy," I heard her say.

It was barely audible, but she said it. I smiled through my tears, knowing there still was a chance that the two of us could begin the road to reconciliation. Today was a long day, but maybe, just maybe, tomorrow would be better.

In the morning, I got up and walked out of the bunks to see all the girls, but Camila and Averi sitting around the small kitchenette table.

"They went to bed late, because Averi woke up crying, and Camila stayed awake with her to help calm her down," Ally explained without me having to ask. They knew that Averi was the single-most important and only thing on my mind. I nodded and went to my chair, without speaking, for if I spoke, I knew that the waterworks would begin.

"Lo, she'll come around. It's a big thing that was dropped on her. She went from thinking she wasn't wanted to knowing everything--it's a lot for anyone, let alone an eleven year old," Normani said, placing her hand over mine and looking at me sympathetically and I nodded again.

Many thoughts were going through my head, as we all ate in silence until I couldn't hold the tears in any longer. I abruptly stood up, walking to the couch. I didn't care if the girls were watching me as I lied on it, bursting into tears.

"Shhh, calm down babe, it's okay. It'll be alright," I heard Dinah say, rubbing my arm as the other two girls sat next to me.

"I-I can't lose her," I said through my tears.

Averi's POV:

"She doesn't want me," I said through tears to Camila. We were both in her bunk because I couldn't sleep last night.

"Babe, yes she does. She loves you so, so much!" Camila said rubbing my back.

I shook my head, refusing to believe Mila. "I have to use the restroom," I said quietly, walking out of the bunks, catching a glimpse of Lauren on the couch and the girls hugging her. I stood there for a few more seconds before I felt eyes staring at me. I looked up to see Normani and Ally smiling sadly at me and I walked into the restroom, locking the door behind myself.

I leaned against the door. It felt like I had been doing a lot of this over the past day. But in the small bathroom, I felt safe. I was alone, but I was in control. I couldn't hurt anyone that I cared about or cause problems like I normally did.

Camila was sitting in her bunk, waiting for me when I returned. She wrapped her arms around me and looked at me.

"Averi, you have to talk to her," she said softly but sternly.

"N-no, p-please!" I shook my head violently, tears coming down my cheeks and subsequently, hitting my arms.

Camila sighed, but nodded after calming me down. "You don't have to now, but you will soon," she said and I nodded hesitantly.

But the good thing about the word 'soon' is that there is no concrete definition for how long it is.

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