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{This video, I found adorable because of how excited they got. And poor Lauren, close to the end, Someone stepped on her foot with a heel. That's got to hurt:/}

Averi's POV:

"ZZZZ" "ZZZZ" something went.

"ZZZZ" "Lo, turn off your music!" I muttered.

"ZZZZZZZZ" it went again.

"UGH!Lauren, I asked you to turn off your music!" I said, getting aggravated. I looked to my right to see, not my mom and her earphones, but MY phone and the memories of yesterday came rushing back. I looked at the time, and saw that it was 8:14 am, so I got up and grabbed the turquoise device and trudged to the small bus kitchen.

"Mornin' MJ" Dinah said, being the first one to notice me. I waved to her, and crawled onto the couch. "Hey Vers!" Mani and Ally chirped, way to happily for 8 am. I waved again. Then, Camila and Lauren trudged in, like how I had, minutes before. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dinah and Mani exchange suggestive smirks, but I wasn't the only one.

"Shut the hell up. We were in our own separate bunks," Lauren snapped at Dinah, who put her hands up in surrender.

"Rawr,fiesty little Cuban, aren't we?" Lauren just rolled her eyes and walked to the fridge and grabbed cereal for herself, and passed a banana to Camila.

"Such a gentleman, now we know who wears the pants," Dinah said, smirking and giggling again.

Lauren just flipped her off and threw an apple at her. "Ouch! Damn, no need to get aggressive, here. Plus, you were in softball, give me a little mercy," she told her.

"Hi MJ!!" Mila said, finally noticing me. I waved, for the third time and lied back down, only to be pulled back up by someone else.

"Hi baby, did you sleep well?" Lauren asked, kissing the top of my head, and sitting next to me. I nodded and she smiled.

"We have to tell you something. We need to do a twit cam, to tell the fans about you if that's okay. We want to know if you would like to be in it, or it be just us?" Lauren asked, carressing my arm.

"It's fine, i'll be in it," I gulped, smiling fakely. The truth was that I was terrified of what everyone would think of me, but had to keep it in, for the girls' sake.

"Okay babe, just wanted to ask," Laur said. "We will get it set up, you should go change and we will call you down when its set. I nodded and walked to the bunk area. I picked a Aeropostale sweatshirt and sweats and put my long brown hair into a high ponytail and put on a Lululemon headband. I put on some mascara, which was the only makeup Lauren would let me use, and walked to the backroom, where the girls had set up the laptop.

"We're gonna start now, okay Averi, we will tell you when to come," Ally told me and I nodded.

"Hey guys! So we have some news today, but want to wait until we get 10,000 views," Mani told the camera recording them and Dinah tweeted the link. They waited a couple more minutes, answering random questions that fans were asking, until they reached their desired number.

"So we need to tell you guys something really important. We will let Lo explain from here," Ally said and Lauren started talking.

"Hi guys. I need to tell you guys something, and I don't know how to say it, so I'll start from the beginning. When I was a young teen, I was taken advantage of, and got...pregnant. My parents were not happy with this, and gave me two options. Abortion or Adoption. Or else, I would be disowned. I couldn't abort what would be my child, so I gave birth to her, and gave her up for adoption. Two years later, I was still in a time of depression, and my parents were arrested, so Taylor, Chris, and myself moved in with our aunt and uncle, Clara and Michael. They were so supportive and helped me get my life back on track, and did everything they could to find my daughter, but there were no records released, because the adoption was a closed adoption. A few weeks ago, at our meet and greet in Miami, I saw her. My daughter. Don't ask me how I knew, I guess it was mother's instinct and I knew I couldn't let her go this time. I gave her a backstage pass, and we talked, and invited her to our hotel. Then, the next day, I told her that I was her mother, and let's just say, the next week was the hardest week of my life. It was finally legalized a few days ago, and she offically mine again, so please welcome my beautiful daughter Averi Sophia Jauregui." Lauren said, through tears, and by then, there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

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