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{This has nothing to do with the chapter but can we talk about how INCREDIBLE this performance was? They KILLED it! Definatly one of my favorites. Yanno what they say, friends that slay together, stay together.*wink emoji* That's my girlssssss! }

Averi's POV:

"I should've aborted you when I had the damn chance,"

That was all it took to kill me. All the trust I was building up was gone, and I was left with nothing, again. I turned around, into my Aunt Taylor's arms, sobbing.

"Shh, she didn't mean it," Taylor told me, her voice soothing.

"Yes, she did," I sobbed, clutching her shirt harder.

"I-I want C-Camila," I cried into my aunt.

"Camila's asleep bubs, it's okay, we're here," my grandma Clara's voice rang through my ears.

"N-no. I want Camila, now. Please," I cried.


"NO! PLEASE GET ME CAMMIE!" I was crying hysterically now.

"Okay honey," my grandma kissed my temple and walked away to phone Camila.

Camila's POV:

"Ring, Ring," I heard an annoying sound.

"Mom, stop that," I grumbled but when I didn't hear a reply, I sat up and saw that it was my cell phone.

"Who is calling at 5 in the morning?" I grumbled to nobody in particular, but grabbed my phone anyway.

Mama J  it read. Instantly a hundred thoughts ran through my head, concerning two of the people I cared most about in this world. I quickly slid the answer button to hear Mrs. Jauregui's worried voice.

"Hello? Mrs. Jauregui? Is everything okay? Are Averi and Lauren alright?" I asked worringly.

"Hi darling. I didn't want to wake you at such a bad time. Listen, something happened. Chris passed away today, and we are still in shock," she replied, her voice cracking.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry," I gasped.

"But that's not why I called you. Lauren got drunk after she heard. She came back and hurt Averi, both physically and verbally, and the poor child is petrified. She won't stop asking for you, so can you pl-"

"I will be right that Mrs. Jauregui," I told her and hanging up. I quickly grabbed a sweatshirt and my keys, racing downstairs to my car. 

On the way there, millions of thoughts were rushing through my head. Chris's death. Lauren drinking. The Jauregui family. How pissed I was at Lauren. But most of all, how worried I was for Averi.

I reached the hospital Chris was at 30 minutes after I got Clara's phone call, to see her at the front door waiting for me.

"Thank you for coming honey," she said hugging me, and I could her the pain in her voice. "C'mon, I'll show you the way," she told me and led me to the elevator.

When we got to Chris's old room, I heard sobbing that made my heart wrench. I slowly walked in to see Averi in Taylor's lap, crying violently. 

I walked up to her, and gently carressed her arm. "Averi, baby, I'm here. It's Camila," I whispered, and she slowly looked up. 

Then she launched her fragile body into me. "Cammie," she sobbed and I whispered sweet nothing into her ear until she fell asleep. I stood up from the uncomfortable hospital floor, with Averi still gripping me for dear life. 

"Do you want me to take her to my house?" I asked Clara, who was sitting on the hospital bed, holding Taylor who was crying, about Chris, I guessed.

Clara stood up and walked to me.

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