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Averi's POV:

Not long after, we arrived at the apartment complex. I lifted my head up to see a beautiful building that read "Mediterranean Village Apartments in West Hollywood." I decided to push aside my sadness, and enjoy the time, for now at least.

"This is where you live?" I whispered, in awe of the grand building in front of me. The girls looked at each other, understanding that I didn't want to talk about the previous situation anymore.

Ally chuckled,"Yeah. We all live here, on the same floor, just different apartments," she told me and I nodded.

"You ready to go in?" Dinah asked me and I nodded, excitedly.

On the way up to their floor, which was the 6th floor, the girls told me how they all had two bedroom apartments, in case of a visitor or family.

"Here we are!" Normani exclaimed when we had reached our destination.

"Ally is in 6A, I'm in 6B, um, Lauren is in 6C, Dinah is in 6D, and Camila and you are in 6E." she continued. "We'll let ya'll unpack, and we can meet up in Ally's room for a movie night?" Normani asked and we all nodded in agreement. 

The other girls turned and headed towards their rooms, but Camila started running, dragging me behind her.

"I'm so excited! I miss having a roommate. It was so fun when we were all in the same house," she sighed.

"Well now you have one," I chuckled earning a smile.

"Well, anyway, here's my apartment," she said, after unlocking the door. 

From what I could see, you walked down a foyer into the living room. The kitchen was on the right, and their was another hallway to the left. 

"Here's the living room and kitchen," Then she pulled me into the hallway," Here's a half-bathroom, but both the bedrooms have en suites so you probably won't use this much," she explained. "Here's your bedroom. The color's bland, I know, but we're not allowed to paint the walls because we don't own the houses," she told me. After she showed me around the room, she took me to her room. "Here's my room. It's very messy, so sorry," she laughed. Their were clothes everywhere and to top it off, she had a 6 foot banana pillow covering her bed. After she showed me her room, she dragged me back into the main room. "There is a patio there," she pointed to the large glass doors that overlooked Los Angeles. "We also have an indoor and outdoor pool, spa, sauna, and gym, all located on the first floor," she explained. I took note of the gym in my head, because I needed a way to get rid of all of my fat. 

"Why don't we unpack, and I'll call you when we have to go to Ally's room?" Camila asked me and I nodded. 

We both went into our respective rooms and unpacked. Halfway through, I pulled out a picture frame which was of Lauren and I, after I was officially adopted. The tear stains were visible on her face and she was sitting on the ground resting her chin on my shoulder. We were both smiling and you could see how genuinely happy we were. {The picture in the media should kind of give you an idea of what this is supposed to look like..I know it's not actually Lauren}

Looking at the picture broght back so many memories, and I instantly fell to the floor, sobbing and clutching the frame. I heard footsteps, but didn't bother to look up because I knew who it was. 

"Cammie,"I sobbed. "I miss Mommy," I cried and she pulled me into her lap, comforting me until my little episode was over. "Sorry Camzie," I weakly told her.

"No apologies. I'm here to be your shoulder to lean on, AJ" she replied back. "Do you still want to go to the movie night? I can tell the girls you aren't up to it, if you want." she offered. 

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