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First off, thank you to my best friend, Camilah for making the new cover for this fic...shanks mial, ily.
Averi's POV
My heart stopped.
I didn't know what to tell her.
I didn't want them to find out.
I took a breath, composing myself before I prepared to lie to the five people I adored the most.

"No,I don't Momma, of course I don't," I told her and she took a deep breath.

"Are you sure babygirl?" She asked and I stifled a sob.

"Yes, I'm sure Mommy. Can we go home, now?" I asked and the girls exchanged glances before standing up and giving me clothes to change into.

I walked to the bathroom, and locked the door, quickly changing. As I was about to come out, something stopped me.

"Laur, are you just going to believe her? I love her very much, but she looked like she was lying," I heard Normani's voice.

"Yeah Lauren. You shouldn't let this go, you-" I walked back into the room, stopping Dinah from continuing her sentence.

Lauren exchanged glances with them, before looking back at me.
"You ready, bubs?" She asked and I nodded.

She grabbed her bags and looked around, making sure she didn't forget anything before she looked at Dinah.

"I'm not," She said, thinking I didn't know what she was referring to. She  grabbed my hand, and walked me out.

The whole ride home was awkward. I was squished between Lauren and Normani who thought that their 'slick' silent mouthing about me wouldn't catch my eye.

"You guys can talk, you know," I sighed and they exchanged a glade.

"I'm not stupid Mom. Mani," I told them and they slumped into their respective car seats like children.

After a few more minutes of silence, our driver announced that we were at the apartments. I got up and walked in the complex to Camila's room, the five girls following in suit.

"Let's order pizza!" Dinah screamed before jumping onto the couch.Immediately, fear overtook my body. I couldn't eat. I wouldn't.

"I-I think I'm gonna go to bed. I am tired," I told nobody in particular before heading towards my room, when I was stopped.

"Not so fast, babe. You need to eat something. C'mere," Camila told me and I silently grumbled before turning away from my safe haven and towards her.

She pulled me into her and fell onto the couch. "What are we watching?" She asked.

"Grey's Anatomy," Normani replied and Lauren stood up.

"Woah! That show is not appropriate for my ten year old," She strictly told Normani who shrugged.

"Chill, Lo. She'll cover her eyes at the bad parts," Normani winked at me and I giggled.

We watched the show for the next thirty minutes,  until an unusual scene began. The girl, who I had caught on the name, Merideth started taking off her clothes with the man, named Derek.

I shifted to ask Lauren about the events happening on the screen. "Momma? What is going on? Why are they on top of each other...naked?" I asked, puzzled.

Lauren, looked up from her phone to the screen, and immediately jumped up and covered my eyes.

"Mani, turn off the TV!" She sternly told Normani.

"Relax, Laur," Normani told her calmly.

"Normani Kordei Hamilton. So God help me if you don't turn off this fucking t-"

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