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Lauren's POV

The door opened to see little Ally's small figure.

"Lo!" she said, excitedly. "We missed you so much!" she continued making me smile, even though I knew not EVERYONE missed me.

"I missed ya'll too. I'm really sorry," my voice trailed off.

"Oh honey, it's okay. We've all forgiven you babe. C'mon in," she said and ushered me in. 

"LAUSER IS THAT YOU?" I heard a loud voice and footsteps pounding through the hallway.

"Yeah," I laughed. "I missed y-" I was stopped by Dinah jumping in my arms for a hug, causing us both to fall to the ground. 

"Don't ever do that again, Lo. You understand? We missed you dawg," she told me seriously and I nodded and she got up, helping me afterward.

"Um, where's Camz?" I asked nervously, knowing the younger girl was still mad at me, which I don't blame.

"Sh-"Dinah began.

"I'm right here," Camila's voice came from behind us, dryly.

"Hi, Camz," I said softly, wanting the ground to swallow me.

"Hello, Lauren," she replied causing me to frown. She never really called me Lauren, unless she was mad or upset. 

"How've you been?" I asked her and she looked at me before grabbing two water bottles.

"I've been busy-taking care of Averi because some others couldn't do it," she spat back and went in he direction of her room, taking the waters with her.

I took a deep breath and slumped down onto the couch. "She's never going to forgive me," I sighed in tears.

"Honey, don't say that. She just needs time," Ally replied, rubbing my back. I gave her a weak smile.

"Thanks Alz. I'm going to go to my room and unpack and change," I replied and Dinah stood up. 

"I volunteer as tribute to escort Ms. Jauregui next door," she saluted causing me to chuckle.

"C'mon dork. Let's go," I replied and grabbed my bags, and leaving the apartment, Dinah right behind me. 

Averi's POV:

I had finally come out of my room after hearing the news.

 I was so scared that Lauren was coming home. I was scared she would hurt me again. I was scared that I would trust her again. However, I was also excited-elated. But, the fear overpowered the happiness, and I relapsed; again. I only let Camila in, to give me my food, which I flushed down the toilet right when she left.

I had finally decided to come out of my room. Dinah was talking to me and trying to make me laugh-succeeding, when we all heard a knock. We all immediately knew who it was, and panic filled me. I quickly got up, and ran to Camila's room, Camila right behind me. When we got in, I locked the door, and fell into Camila, sobbing once more.

"I'm so scared Camzie," I told her.

"I know honey, I know. But you have to overcome the fear and talk to her," she replied.

"No, please Mila. Please don't make me. I don't want to. Please,"  I cried and she pulled me into her. 

"I won't force you into anything, sweetie," she told me and I took a deep breath, licking my chapped lips. 

"Are you thirsty?" she asked me and I shyly nodded. "Okay, you go sit, and I'll get you some water," she continued and I let go of her and thanked her. 

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