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Please read my one-shot "Goodbye" that is now completed. Thanks.
Lauren's POV:
"Woah!" I heard my ten year old's quiet voice, as she looked out of the car window, her fingers gripping onto the leather of the car.
"What babe?" I asked, amused by her shocked expression.
"Are we going to go there?" She asked, in awe.
"Yeah babe, this is Magic Mountain."
"It's so big!" She exclaimed.
"That's what she said..." Dinah snorted from the front of the car, earning a glare from Ally, Camila, and I and a confused expression from Averi.
"What does that mean?" Averi asked and Ally glared at Dinah even more.
"AJ! Look at the ride!" Camila shouted and Averi's attention was quickly turned back to the amusement park in front of her.

We finally found a parking spot, after nearly 30 minutes of aimlessly circling the lot and got out of the vehicle, with a security man that Big Rob had assigned for us in tow.
"Let's goooo!" Averi pulled on the sleeve of my shirt as she tried to make me move faster.
"Wait, babygirl. We have to first go through check-in and then get a small snack to eat," I chucked and she abruptly stopped every motion and looked at me with what I swore was a hint of fear.
However, she quickly covered it up and smiled at me, so I didn't think much about it.
Averi's POV:
At the mention of food, my whole body froze. Lauren looked at me, so I had to compose myself quickly.
She couldn't find out.
"Mommy, I'm not hungry, plus I will get sick if I eat before we go on the rides," I told her and she studied me for a few seconds before slowly nodding.
"Okay, we'll get food afterward," she told me and I nodded happy I had dodged a bullet.
"Mini Jauregui, where are you?" I heard Dinah's voice and I turned to face her.
"Yeah, D?" I asked and she interlaced our hands.
"Leggo!" She screamed, earning judgmental stares from other people.
I laughed at her silly nature and followed in suit.
"Let's go on 'The Superman' first!" Normani exclaimed and I gulped. The ride was a lot bigger than I originally had thought.
I turned around to see Ally and Camila with the same pained expression as I had on. Lauren on the other hand, looked as excited as ever.
"Guys?" I whispered to the older girls in front of me.
"Yeah AJ?" Normani stopped, turning around and kneeling down.
"Um, I don't think I want to do this anymore," I looked down at the floor, embarrassed of my actions.
"It's ok boo, we don't have to," Normani said, rubbing my upper arm in a comforting manner.
"No, you guys can go. I'll wait here for you," I told them, guilty that I was about to pull them away from what they were so excited about.
"Averi, how about you, Ally, and I, seeing none of us are too fond of riding that...thing...go find something else to do?" Camila asked me and I instantly perked up.
"Okay," I said and got up, looking at my mom who was looking between Ally, Camila and I and Normani and Dinah. I knew that she really wanted to ride the coaster, but she didn't want to leave me, so I made the decision for her.
"Momma, you go with Mani and DJ, and we'll see you later," I told her and she looked at me.
"No, mom. Go have fun, you deserve it." I said and a huge smile was plastered on her face.
"Thanks Aves. I love you and have fun," she told me, kissing the tip of my nose and pulling Camila aside to tell her something that was inaudible to my ears.
Camila came back a few seconds later and smiled at Ally and I.
The three of us waved bye to the three other girls and set off on our own adventure.
"Averi!" Ally's voice interrupted my aimless trail of thought.
"Yeah Al?" I asked the eldest.
"Mila asked you what you want to eat," She told me.
Instantly, my body froze and I unintentionally gripped Ally's hand tighter.
"You okay, babe?" Ally asked, looking down at me.
"Um..yeah. I just got light-headed," I lied, straight through my teeth.
"Laur told me that you need to eat, bubs. C'mon," Camila continued and I immediately enveloped anger towards my mother.
"No I don't..." I growled through gritted teeth.
"Please, breathe AJ. Are you sure you're okay?" Ally asked me, rubbing my arm. I sighed once more before looking back up at the brunette.
"I'm fine, Ally. Let's go," I told the two older girls before walking into the closest restaurant.
Camila's POV:
Ally and I exchanged confused glances as Averi stormed into a Mickey Mouse themed restaurant.
"What the hell just happened?"I asked Ally who was just looking at the door to the restaurant.
"I'm just as confused as you, Mila. Let's go," She pulled me by the arm towards the shop.
We looked around in the restaurant, the fluorescent lights disabling much of our vision.
"There she is," Ally interrupted our quest and pointed towards a table in the back.
We slowly walked to the table to be met with Averi's small figure, her head on the table, her hair covering her face.
Ally and I approached her on either sides and slid into the booth.
"AJ?" I whispered to the shaking child beside me.
"Averi?" Ally tried, when I didn't get a response.
"Baby, please tell us what's wrong so that we can fix it," I tried once more, and slowly, Averi lifted her head, her tear-shot eyes becoming visible to the two of us.
"What's wrong babe?" Ally asked the small child and Averi looked at the two of us before breaking down in cries again.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I am not feeling well and Mom knew that and she's still making me eat," Averi told the two of us, and Ally nodded her head, understanding, however, I wasn't as easily convinced.
While Averi was talking, she averted her eyes and bit her lip, something she only does when she's nervous or lying. However, I decided not to question her.
"It's okay babygirl. Just talk to us next time, okay?" I told her, pulling her into a hug.
"You're not mad? You're not going to hurt me?" She asked and my heart broke.
"Averi Sophia, never say that again. No matter what, none of us will ever place a hand on you. Baby, we love you. It's okay." I told her and she snuggled into the two of us.
A few minutes later, the three of us walked out of the restaurant and continued our walk around the amusement park.
While we were walking back to the other three girls, all of ours arms filled with prizes, a group of girls ran up to us.
"Oh my god. It's Camila and Ally!"
"Ally, i love you!"
"Camila, you are everything to me!"
The teens continued and Averi slowly moved behind me, gripping the bottom of my shirt.
"Hey guys. We will happily take pictures with you guys, but can you please calm down, because you are scaring Averi," I told the hyper girls, ushering to the small child behind me.
They instantly stopped jumping around and patiently waited for us.
We ended up spending 15 minutes with the fans, talking to them and taking tons of pictures.
Throughout the whole exchange, Averi was gripping my shirt with one hand, and holding my hand with the other.
"Hey, Averi?" One of the fans, whose name was ironically, Camilah, asked.
Averi looked up at her and smiled, waving shyly.
"Can we get a picture?" Camilah asked and Averi's jaw dropped.
"Me?" She asked, in shock.
"Yes, silly. Why wouldn't I want a picture with you?" Camilah told her and a large grin appeared on Averi's face.
The two took a few selfies and videos, but soon after, we had to part ways.
Averi, in much higher spirits, skipped towards Ally and they headed to our meeting spot with the girls, but I had to do something first.
"Hey, Camilah?" I asked the purple-haired girl whole was placing her things into her bag.
"Oh my god? Me?" She asked, much like Averi had done minutes ago.
"Thanks for being so nice to AJ. It's so sweet to see people as genuine as yourself. It may of not been a lot, but it means the world to her, so I appreciate it a lot. Do you have a twitter or something?"  I asked her, and she looked at me in awe, before jumping back into consciousness.
"No problem. She's adorable. Uh, yeah. It's @calfornia5h " She told me, and I quickly wrote it into my notes.
"I will make sure to follow you and I will let the others know too," I told her, and she smiled widely before hugging me once more and parting ways.
I soon caught up with Ally, Averi and the other girls who were waiting for me by the car.
"Where were you?" Normani asked me.
"I met a really genuine fan, and she was so sweet. She was extremely nice to all of us," I emphasized and the other four understood what I meant.
"What's her twitter?" Lauren asked.
"@california5h" I told them and they all followed her, Lauren privately messaging her to thank her.
We entered the car and got situated, with the security by the driver, Ally, Normani, and Dinah in the middle row, and the Jauregui's and I in the last row, Averi asleep across our laps.
"This was lots of fun, guys," Dinah said and we all nodded, in agreement.
"It really was. It was nice to get away," Ally continued.
"Time to go back into reality," I said after a few more moments of silence, earning groans from the others.
Sorry for no updates! You guys can thank my birthday. My present to ya'll lmao...I'm 15 now though, so thats cool!
Please read my one shot, "Goodbye"
I hope you enjoyed, and comment what you wanna see!

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