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{This is one of my favorite interview-games, and if you haven't watched it, you should!}

Averi's POV:

"AHHH!" I screamed, shutting my eyes tightly. "Dinah, please turn it off!" I shouted at the blonde in sitting on the couch to my right. 

Dinah didn't listen to me, and just snuggled deeper into her blanket, focused on The Conjuring  playing on the plasma t.v in front of us. 

It'd been five weeks since Camila and I had returned to LA and the girls had tried to use every oppurtunity to try to het my mind off what had happened and I appreciated their efforts so much, but it was hard to forget everything. Don't get me wrong, I still loved Lauren with all my heart, and the girls told me she loved me equally. But, it was hard to get past what had happened. As for my depression, it had worsened, but I have still kept it a secret. Luckily, the girls haven't pushed me a lot, so I'm able to get out of a lot of meals, I have successfully brought my weight down to 65 pounds, but it's still not enough. A voice brought me out of my long trail of thoughts.

"Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen if you don't turn off the t.v this instant, I swear-" Ally said sternly.

"Okay,okay. I'm going," Dinah replied putting her hands up in surrender and turned the terrifying movie off. She then proceeded to grab her stuff and walk to Normani's guest room, with Ally following her.

I took a breath of relief, cuddling into Camila. "Mila, I'm scared," I whispered to her and she looked at me. "Me too Aves," she said squeezing me tighter.

She got up pulling me with her. We walked to where Normani was sitting on the recliner on her phone. "Mani, we're scared," Camila told her causing Normani to look up. Normani let out a sigh, but locked her phone. 

"C'mere" she told us opening her arms and we both jumped in her arms causing her to chuckle. We stayed there for a while in silence until the three of us fell into a deep slumber.

The next day I woke up to murmurs in the kitchen. I stumbled in and looked around. Camila was sitting on one side with a empty chair next to her which I knew was mine. Normani and Dinah were sitting across from Camila and Ally was sitting at the head of the table. They were all drinking hot drinks and picking at their crumbs from breakfast.

"Morning" I yawned walking over to Camila.

"Good morning princess," said Camila kissing my head, followed by other greetings.

"What were you guys talking about?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing important," Ally piped up and from the corner of my eye, I saw the girls exchange glances.

"Do you want breakfast?" Normani asked me and I shook my head.

"Are you sure? You need energy for Skyzone today," Dinah smirked causing me to jump up in excitement. I had wanted to go to the trampoline arena for weeks now, but the girls were too busy to go, but they could finally go now. 

"Really?" I grinned, looking around to see all the girls smiling back at me nodding their heads. "I'm going to go get ready!" I shouted, pulling Camila up and dragging her out the door, so we could go back to our apartment and get changed.

"Aves, Aves, calm down, i'm coming," Camila laughed. 

When we reached our door, Camila unlocked it, and I sprinted to my room to get changed. I pulled on a pink half-zip Nike top and black leggings with a pair of pink running shoes. I then tied up my hair, grabbed my iPod and ran to Camila's room. 

"Camzie, are you ready?" I knocked on her door.

"Yeah, I'm coming," Camila replied, walking out with a pair of shorts, a banana shirt and Nikes. I laughed at her shirt.

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