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Averi's POV:
I woke up cuddled into something. Or someone.
Instantly, all the memories from last night were brought back causing a large smile to overcome my features.

I looked to my right at the beautiful lady I was lucky to call my mom. I stared at her for a few more minutes until she moved a little.
"Stop staring at me," She mumbled and I giggled, in shock.
"How'd ya know?" I whispered.
She smiled and opened her eyes, looking at me with her beautiful green eyes. "I'm the mom, remember?" She told me and I smiled cuddling into her once more.
We were quiet for a few more minutes, enjoying the presence of each other. "C'mon monkey, let's go eat," she told me.
Instantly, panic arose in me, but I hid it for the sake of Lauren. I stepped off the left side of the bed, and felt something squishy underneath my feet.
"Uggh," someone went and I looked down to see the one and only Dinah Jane on the ground.
"DJ?" I asked, laughing. "What are you doing here?"
"We all decided to sleep here, but you and Laur were so cute all cuddled together, we decided to sleep on the ground," She explained and I smiled at her.
"I love you guys so much," I said loudly, the other girls who were now awake, replied.
"Let's all cuddle for a little bit more," Camila said and we all nodded in agreement.
All six of us got onto the Queen sized bed. I was in between Camila and Lauren, with Normani next to Lauren, Dinah next to Camila, and little Ally along the foot of the bed, her head on my legs.
We were all quiet for a couple minutes, and soon, I heard snoring.
"Guys?" I asked looking around, my movement limited to the fact that I was in a sandwich. I finally wiggled out of Camren's strong grip and looked around to see all five peacefully sleeping.
Giggling to myself, I placed two blankets on them, one on Ally and one on the rest, before I grabbed my phone and opened the Twitter application.
I took a picture of them sleeping, looking awfully cute, if I may say so myself, and captioned it.
@AveriJauregui: Mi familia💞
Instantly, I got hundreds of retweets and likes; many kind replies, but like always, I focused on the negative ones.
Sighing, I walked out of the large room, making sure to close the door softly, before going to the couch and continued to read the comments.
@etherealdinah: their not ur family LMAO your a orphan r u stupid?
Angry, in the spur of the moment, I decided to reply back to that comment
@AveriJauregui: @etherealdinah No. They ARE my family, and what's stupid is the fact that you aren't able to use proper grammar. Buy a dictionary instead of spending time on twitter.
I then proceeded to lock my phone and throwing it to the opposite couch, knowing I will probably face the consequences later, if not by the girls, then their management.
For the next few hours, I sat around on the couch watching TV, but not before throwing away a muffin and leaving the wrapper on the table, so Lauren thinks that I ate something.
I know that it was bad wasting food, but I had to do anything to become skinny. I needed to be beautiful.
"Averi?" I heard Camila's drowsy voice call.
"Yeah, Cammie?" I asked her and she soon appeared from the hallway, walking to the couch I was on, cuddling with me.
"I missed you," She said, in a baby voice causing me to giggle, but frown internally. She probably thought that now that Lauren and I were on good terms again, she would be forgotten, but that would never be the case.
"Cammie?" I asked and she shifted her body to look at me.
"Yeah babe?" She asked gently.
"You know that um- that since Lauren and I are good again, I won't forget you, right? I love you and you'll always be my second mom, if that's okay with you," I told her, hugging her before looking up at her tear-filled eyes, instantly feeling terrible.
She must've noticed my face, because she quickly started talking. "Baby that is the sweetest thing ever. I know you won't forget me. I know that you need to be with your mom, but I would love to be your second mother figure," She said and I instantly relaxed, all of the worry disappearing.
She wrapped her arms around me, and kissed my temple, but seconds later, our moment was broken up with what sounded like a click of a camera.
"Dinah! I told you to hide!" Ally's frantic voice was heard and Camila and I exchanged glances.
"That was so cute guys," Normani came out of the hallway, not even bothering to hide anymore-followed by Ally and Dinah.
Dinah looked at us sheepishly causing Camila and I to laugh.
"D, we're not mad at you, chill," Camila told her and she smiled before laughing along.
"Can you send me the picture?" Camila asked again and Dinah sent it to her.
Moments afterward, a distressed Lauren walked out of the bedroom, all attention to her phone.
"G'Morning Momma," I told her and she looked at me worriedly.
"Are you okay baby?" She asked me and I nodded, confused to why I wouldn't be. However, there was a small bit of worry laced in the back of my mind that she had found out about my...secrets. I shook that off quickly, and looked at her again.
"What's wrong?" I asked her, but she ignored me, and walked up to Dinah, showing her, Normani, and Ally her phone, and their faces changed drastically.
She then proceeded to show Camila, but shield the device from me, and Camila's face also changed.
"Please! Tell me what's wrong!" I said, this time a bit louder, getting frustrated.
All five of the girls looked at me, before Ally began to talk.
"You know what hate is, right?" She asked.
"Yeah," I told her, remembering of the conversation Lauren and I had a few months back.
"You know it shouldn't get to you right?" Normani continued and I shrugged, looking down.
"Averi?" She tried and I sighed.
"It's hard not to let it get to you," I said softly, and Camila, being the one closest to me, quickly wrapped her arms around me.
"Babe, what they're saying isn't true. They are just looking for attention and ways to get under your skin," Dinah said gently, and I nodded, not allowing tears to fall out of my eyes.
"And also, you shouldn't reply to hate babygirl. If ANYTHING upsets you, you come to me, or one of the girls," Lauren continued, her soft green eyes looking deeply into mine.
"I'm sorry," I told her, looking down, knowing that they were referring to the comment I had replied to earlier that day.
"It's alright baby, but next time please tell us. You gave the account the attention it wanted, and now others think it's okay," Lauren said, hugging me.
I nodded into her shoulder. "Okay Mommy," I told my mother, tears slowly coming down now.
After everything had calmed down, we all sat around the living room, doing our own various activities.
"I have an idea!" Dinah suddenly exclaimed happily.
We all looked at her, expectantly.
"Let's go to Magic Mountain!" She yelled and the four other girls exchanged glances before nodding happily, meanwhile, I wad as confused as ever.
"Um guys?" I asked and they all stopped talking and looked at me.
"This may sound stupid, but what's Magic Mountain?" I asked the five girls, shyly.
"Oh my god, sorry. We completely forgot that you haven't been here for long!" Camila shouted.
"You know what Busch Gardens is, right?" Lauren asked me and I nodded. I never went to it, but people talked about it a lot when I lived in Miami.
"Well, Magic Mountain is an amusement park like that. It has rides, attractions, food, games, and stuff like that!" Lauren told me.
"Okay! Let's go!" I told them, excitedly. However, I needed to find a way to avoid the food, because knowing Lauren's protective nature, she would make me eat at least twice while we were there.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Normani interrupted my trail of thought. "Let's go get ready!" She shouted and four of them hurriedly walked out of Camila's apartment, to their own, to get ready.
I walked to my own temporary room at Camila's and picked our own clothes.
I put on an red Abercrombie&Fitch shirt with a pair of ankle length bleach-washed capri jeans and my red converse. Then I proceeded to brush my long brown hair and tie it up in a high pony-tail putting on a red Lululemon headband.
"Averi Sophia hurry up!" I heard Camila yell, so I ran out of my room to the front door, where she, along with the four others waiting.
"Let's go!" I sang happily skipping out of the door.
For once, I wanted to spend a day with my family. Having fun. Not having to worry about anything. I could do that tomorrow. For once, I wanted to be free, and today was that day!
Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time! Here's a really short update but I hope ya'll enjoy it nonetheless.
Also, I wrote a fic called "Goodbye" and it's about Camila going through struggles. It's a one shot, and would anyone read it?
Please comment what you want to see next.
Next update-
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