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{Enjoy this video of MMO/BBHMM/WWRY and poor Camila falling around 3:12..That looked like it would leave a bruise...}

Averi's POV:

I woke up with a cold sweat. Looking around, I instantly recognized my setting. Or lack thereof. I was alone, in a dark room, the only light visible was from beneath the metal door. I began to stand up, only to recognize my inability to use my hands; my arms were handcuffed behind me. 

"Momma?" I cried.

"Your mother isn't here, you're alone, finally and I can get my revenge." A deep, male voice said, coming closer to me. I hadn't seen him before, for he was hiding in the shadows of the room. I tried looking at him, but the darkness did not allow me to do so. 

"N-no please! No, stop," I cried.

"Mommy! Mom! Help!" I screamed as he grabbed a blade from his pocket, bringing it to my neck.

"Mommy, help! Mom! Camila, help! Anyone, please!" I screamed bloody murder.

"Averi, stop!" he said, coming even closer. "It's okay!"

"It's okay...Averi, wake up!" A more feminine voice said.

Lauren's POV:

"Lo, Lauren! Jauregui!" Someone whispered. I looked to my right to see the curtain pulled open and Camila standing in front of me, her face directly in my field of vision. 

"What do you want, Mila? It's too early!" I replied, groggily, shuffling my body, as I pulled the blanket closer to me, trying to return to my dream.

"C'mon, Lauren! Can't you hear Averi?" she told me, and in an instant, any ounce of tiredness or sleep disappeared from my body. 

"Where is she? What's wrong?" I asked, worried that something had happened. 

"She's crying and won't wake up." she said, and led me passed the bunks, to the back room, where my little girl was screaming, tears streaming down her face as her breath hitched. 

"Mommy, help! Mom! Camila, help! Anyone, please!" she shouted, while both Camila and I worked to try to bring her back to full consciousness. 

"Averi, stop!" I yelled, not knowing what to do. I wasn't sure what was happening. Was she having a bad dream? A night terror? Why wasn't she waking up?

"It's okay...Averi, wake up!!" Camila shouted, before apologizing to the little girl and splashing what remained of a half-empty water bottle on her. That seemed to do the trick, as Averi was startled out of her nightmare, simultaneously losing her grip on the couch and falling over into my lap. 

"Shh, baby, it's okay. Mommy's here," I told her hugging her. Once her breathing had evened out, Camila got up to leave, only to be stopped by Averi.

"Stay Cami, please?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Of course," Camila replied after looking to me for permission. Averi shifted her small frame over, so as to give Camila permission to lie down next to her. Camila followed, lying down, with the eleven year old sandwiched between us. 


"Dinah, I told you to put it on silent!" I heard Normani whisper-shout.

"Sorry, I thought I did!" Dinah replied sheepishly.

"I know you guys said you weren't hungry, but I couldn't resist! I ran over to Waffle House and got food!" Ally said, skipping in.

"Shhh!" Mani and Dinah replied, in harmony.

"Guys, shut the hell up. Camz and Aves are still asleep," I scolded, sternly after getting up, and pulling the blanket on the two younger girls.

"Cough *Camren* Cough," Dinah said, and I rolled my eyes, catching her attention.

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