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This video does't contribute to anything, it's just a really cute interview game!

PS: Be aware of all the POV changes in this chapter!


Lauren's POV:

"Brring, brinng" Went a noise close to my ear.

"What the hell is that?" I grumbled getting up, annoyed that my peaceful sleep was interrupted. I grabbed the annoying device and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Mija, baby," I heard Clara, my aunt/mom's voice.

"Yeah Mami?" I asked, walking to the bathroom, trying not to wake up Camz or Aves.

"Baby, come home," she sobbed through the phone.

"C-Chris is in the ho-hospital," she cried through the phone causing me to start panicking.

"Why?" I asked, shakily, already gathering my makeup supplies, placing them in their cases, packing up.

"I don't know, this morning, he wouldn't wake up, and he had a very faint pulse, so we called 911 and are now waiting at the hospital," she said weakly.

"Okay Mami, I'm coming home. I love you all and stay strong. We will be there as soon as possible" I said through tears and hung up.

Quickly following that, I bought three tickets, hoping Camila would come with us, to Miami, for tonight at 6:00 PM. I walked to Camila's bed and quietly shook her.

"Hmm?" she asked, half asleep.

"Mila," I whispered, my voice breaking and she immediatly got up and hugged me, calming me down, even though she didn't know what was happening.

Camila's POV:

Ryan Gosling and I were centimeters apart, and he gently held my face as he started to lean in and...shake it?

"Hmm?" I asked to nobody in particular, confused of what was happening in my dream.

"Mila," a soft, yet raspy voice that I could recognize anywhere said, breaking slightly and I was immediately brought to conscienceness.

"Shh," I whispered wrapping my arms around the older girl, rubbing her back.

"Chris is i-in the hos-hospital," she hiccuped and I gasped but continued to comfort her. "I'm going to Miami to-tonight," she continued, "Wi-will you please come with us?" she sobbed placing her head on my chest.

"Of course honey," I said without hesitation and she hugged me tighter. She fell asleep minutes after, and I got up, to pack our belongings and let the girls and our families know.

After I told the girls, who were all worried for Chris and Lauren, I finished packing, and woke up Averi.

"Vers, wake up, babe," I shook the girl, gently. She got up quickly and looked around, a confused expression settling on her face when she saw our packed bags, neatly in the corner.

"Lo's brother, your uncle, is sick, so we're flying to Miami later today," I explained to her, and she nodded.

"Are you coming, Camzi?" she asked and I nodded, causing her to smile.

"Do you want to eat anything?" I asked her and she shook her head, grabbing her phone from the nightstand and walking to the other girls' room. Once I heard them talking to Averi, I walked over to Lauren, to wake her up.

"Laur, it's 1:00 in the afternoon, you should get up and eat something," I whispered stroking her hair. She grumbled, but sat up, and looked at me.

"Thanks Camz, for being there, I love you," she told me, bringing a soft smile to my face.

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