twenty three

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Averi's POV:

"Are we there yet?" I asked an annoyed Lauren, for the tenth time in the past five minutes.

"No Averi. And I swear, you will never get there if you ask me one more time," Mom looked at me with a frustrated expression through the rearview mirror.

"Okay, rawr," I made a tiger sound and she rolled her eyes.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, we arrived at the airport where we were supposed to pick up Taylor. For the past week, Taylor and I had been talking nonstop. Although we recently started to talk, we just clicked and I truly considered her my best friend, despite the age difference. 

"C'mon babe. I want you to hold my hand, so you don't get lost," Mom told me.

"Moooom...I'm not a baby!" I complained but shut up when she gave me a stern look. She was really nailing this 'mother act.'

We walked into LAX and were greeted with a rush of cold air, and I snuggled deeper into Lauren, who looked down at me.

"I told you to bring a sweater. Are you cold?" She asked and I nodded, shyly.

She laughed before giving me her sweater, and I put it on, struggling to find the end of the arm holes. Once we figured it out, we continued to walk to the terminal, where Taylor would come. 

"Hey. Her flight will land in 30 minutes, so we might as well get comfortable," Mom told me, and without any other discussion, we both took out our phones.

Flight 917 from Miami, Florida has just landed. I repeat, Flight 917 from Miami has just landed.

Excitement filled my body as the intercom announced that message. I impatiently waited 15 more minutes, and finally people from the flight walked through Departure. I scanned everyone until I found Taylor, and we locked eyes at the same time.

She squealed before running to me and pulling me into a hug.

"OH MY GOSH! I'm so excited! And you're even tinier now, Averi," She told me, and I caught Lauren looking at me.

"I'm so happy to finally see you!" I exclaimed and she nodded before pulling me into another hug.

"What 'bout me? No loving for the person that made this happen?" Lauren interuppted our moment and Taylor laughed before jumping into the arms of her older sister.

"I missed you Lo," She whispered. 

"I missed you too, Tay," Mom replied, in the same volume.

Suddenly, I felt awkward, and walked away, to give them their moment, when Taylor's voice stopped me.

"Don't leave, Ave. C'mere and join us, child," She laughed and pulled me in.

A few minutes later, Mom went to grab Taylor's suitcases and the three of us wheeled them out to the car, with Taylor making us laugh every few seconds.


"I'm bored, Ave!" Taylor complained for the third time. We had gotten home a few hours ago, and were in my room. I adjusted myself on my bed and kicked her in reply.

"You're literally five pounds. A feather can kick harder," She replied and a sense of satisfaction took over me. I was in recovery, but it made me feel good to hear people saying that I was thin, even though they probably say them to be polite.

"Fine. Whaddya wanna do?" I asked, turning to face her.

"This complex has a heated pool, right? Let's go swimming!" She exclaimed and fear overtook me. I couldn't go swimming, she would see my scars. And makeup wouldn't be able to cover them the whole time.

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