thirty two

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Averi's POV:
-One week later-

"You'll text every twenty minutes?" Lauren asked me for the fifth time.

"Yes Mom. For the thousandth time, yes!" I rolled my eyes.

"I can't help it. You are going out without me all alone. I can't protect you," She pouted.

"Mother. I'm with Taylor, remember?" I asked pointing to the older girl next to me who was laughing at her sister and niece bickering.
"Also, we're just going to the mall for a couple hours..." I told her.

"I know..." She pouted again.

"Okay, so we're leaving now. Don't cry. Bye. I love you," I said giggling, getting out of the car that was stopped in front of the mall.

"WAIT!" She shouted.

"Oh my god! What Mom?" I asked frustrated.

"Don't forget to eat and I love you!" She said, smiling cheekily.

"Gosh, you're such a baby. I love you too," I replied but couldn't help and smile at her goofy antics.
"Sooo, where do you wanna go first?" Taylor asked me, once we got inside.

"I dunno. I don't like shopping, so I don't really know the stores. You choose," I shrugged.

"Yeeees!" Taylor pumped her fist and pulled my arm towards the shops.

We walked for what felt like forever until we arrived at the store, Taylor getting more excited by the step.

I looked up at the flourescent lights of the name. "You are literally a little Lauren," I said after noticing the store.

"No, I just love Urban Outfitters!" She sqeaked and pulled me in.

The aura of the store kind of freaked me out. I was standing awkwardly next to Taylor while she was looking at jeans.

"You get a pair too!" She told me, and I looked at the pile awkwardly. The last time I got jeans, I had to get a size eight in kids. God knows how big I've gotten now.
No Taylor. You're beautiful, you're still super skinny and are moving towards health one part of my brain said and I tried my hardest to believe that part. That's recovery, right?

Nonetheless, I grabbed a pair of what looked like my size. They were dark-washed ripped skinny jeans.

"Need any help?" A tall girl with electric green hair walked towards us. Instantly, I became nervous, and refused to speak. I shrugged and she looked at me.

"You look familiar..." She said and I looked to Taylor who jumped in.

"Um, yeah. We come here a lot!" She lied. "Can you help me pick a size?" She asked her to distract her from the conversation at hand.

"Do you need any help?" The saleslady asked me after she helped Taylor pick a couple styles and sizes.

"Um...okay?" I asked and she picked up the jeans I was holding.

"Oh hun. These are size 3's. You are so tiny. Try these ones," she gave me a different pair.

I looked to the size tag, which read 00. Instantly, my mood rose. Yes, I was in recovery, but that didn't mean I didn't want to be skinny.

We walked into our respective dressing rooms and I put the jeans on, but they were too loose. Victoriously smiling, I walked out after changing into my clothes.

"Getting anything?" Asked Taylor to which I shook my head no. We walked to the counter and paid for Taylor's clothed before walking out.

"Do you wanna go eat now? Laur told me you needed to eat something light before lunch," She asked.

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