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Averi's POV:

I opened the door to see...Queen Demetria freaking Devonne Lovato.

The next thing I know, is that all the girls started screaming and ran up to her, so i slowly stepped back, still in a state of shock.

"Calm down girls" Demi chuckled, giving Camila and Normani hugs.

"I'm on a break, and I still have a house down here, since its where I grew up. I was bored last night and everyone was tagging me in a interview, so i checked it out. It turns out that it was the one with that lil' cutie over there," she said pointing to me, causing me to blush. "I knew I had to come hang out." she said and the girls squealed and nodded. "Great! I'll tell the driver to bring you guys to my house! See you in a few," she said, and came up to me, hugging me, before leaving.

As soon as she left, I jumped on the small couch, grabbed a pillow, and started fan-girling. Very hard.

Lauren's POV:

As soon as Demi left to her house, Aves jumped on the couch and started screaming in joy. We all started laughing because we knew how much she adores Demi. I quickly grabbed my phone and started recording my precious ten year old. After a good 30 seconds of recording her, I stopped and opened my twitter app.

@LaurenJauregui: Post meeting Demi Lovato reaction LOL twitter.com/482h194

I watched my mentions go crazy after posting that, seeing that it was the first thing, other than the twit cam, that i'd posted of Aves. While I was looking through the mentions I noticed significant amounts of hate. Some of them really stood out to me, and even hurt me, even though they were intended to hurt Averi.

Eww!Her screams sound like my goat giving birth!! #UGLEE

WTF! I thought I was on Lauren's page, not a donkey's!

She did not get the Jauregui genes LMFAO!

No wonder Lo gave her up for adoption.

I wouldn't want her to ruin my rep either.

Furious and in tears, I stormed off to the back room, unnoticed, and started typing on my phone.

@LaurenJauregui: Hate, for anyone, especially my family members is unexceptable. My daughter is so, so beautiful, kind, precious, sweet, and a bundle of joy. ANYONE who says ANYTHING about her is not a Harmonizer. True fans wouldn't hate on our families. If I EVER see ANYONE tweet or say ANYTHING about my daughter, ever again, I will personally take that person to court. Hate is WRONG, and mark my words, if my daughter has seen these nasty tweets directed to her...just hope and pray that she hasn't. I post a fun video of one exciting day in her life, and I get this. It truly upsets me. Thank you to the real fans. We love and appreciate you. http://twitlonger.com/@LaurenJauregui

After I walked back out to the main room, I saw all the girls curled up, watching a movie with Averi sprawled on Camila and Ally's lap and legs.

"Averi, can you come here for a moment?" I asked, not wanting to talk to her about the hate in case she feels embarrased for any reason. She nodded and quickly got up, and I took her hand and walked her to the back room.

"Aves, you know what hate is, right?" I asked her gently.

"Yeah, Lo," she said sitting on the leather sectional.

"Well sometimes when you're a celebrity, not everyone likes you, and they decide to express their thoughts through offensive words, hurting others in the process." I continued, picking my words carefully. When she nodded, I continued.

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