twenty two

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Lauren's POV:

I woke up to laughing; which was an unusual sound, considering the past few weeks. I walked out of my bedroom to see Ally and Averi, making cookies and instantly, my heart melted with happiness.

It had been weeks since Averi decided to get better, and it was and still is, a uphill battle. Lots of tearfilled nights and tantrums were passed around, but seeing this made it all worth it. Because of Averi's recovery, she and I decided to move her out of Camila's apartment and into mine. However, all the girls were down the hall, so we were constantly together.

"G'morning baby. Hey Alz," I walked up to my daughter, kissing the top of her head.

"Hi Momma. We made cookies...well, Ally made cookies," Averi said, giggling.

"That's cool! Did you eat breakfast?" I asked the ten year old.

"I made her a fruit salad and a cup of milk," Ally told me and I gave her a grateful smile. 

I sat down at the bar sitting on a cup of black tea, on my phone, when Ally tapped me on the shoulder.

"Sorry Lo, a friend just called, and they want to meet up. I took the cookies out and they're cooling," Ally told me, grabbing her stuff.

"A FRIEND, you say?" I smirked, and she turned a dark red.

"Shut up," She blushed deeply.

"I wanna meet this boy and set him straight. If he even so messes with a strand of hair on my Allycat, he will have one less organ," I replied and she laughed.

"Okay Lo. Have fun today! Bye Veri!" She yelled from across the apartment before letting herself out.

I turned my attention to my daughter who was putting some cookies into three small containers.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked and she turned around.

"I'm gonna give some cookies to DJ, Cammie, and Mani. I figured Ally wouldn't want any since she made them, and it would be wierd to give them back, and we have some here for you," She explained.

"Okay...And what about you?" I asked cautiously.

"Um...I..." She started but I stopped her.

"It's okay honey, I shouldn't of asked. I'm so proud of you though," I told her, pulling her into a hug.

"What do you say we go shopping today? It's getting colder, since it's almost mid-November, and although LA doesn't get that cold, you still need some winter clothes,"

"Uh...okay, I guess. I just-nevermind," She stopped her sentence.

"Babe, you can tell me. What is it?"

"I am too fat now. I know I'm supposed to get better but I am scared," She told me and my heart stopped.

"Babygirl. You are nowhere near fat, it's been three weeks and you've only gained a few pounds, and you are still far too underweight. You are incredibly gorgeous, honey," I told her and she nodded slowly.

"Okay beautiful. Now go change so we can go to the mall."

Averi's POV:

It has been six weeks since I started to recover from my eating disorder. I still cut, but nobody knows, and I plan to keep it that way. I walked into my room and took of my pajamas to look for the clothes, but stopped at my full body mirror. 

Sighing, I picked at all my flaws. I pinched my stomach-three weeks ago, i couldn't pinch it, but now I can. My thighs are bigger and  my arms are huge. I quickly wiped the tears, before running into my closet. 

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