twenty five

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*Trigger Warning*

Averi's POV:
"Thank you DJ!" I hugged the older girl tightly.
"Yeah, thanks Dinah! Today was loads of fun!" I heard Taylor say, from next to me.
"No problem children," Dinah smiled.
We stayed at DisneyLand for a few more hours before we decided to leave to head home. It was now around ten in the evening because we wanted to stay to watch the fireworks.
Taylor opened the front door and walked inside, but Dinah pulled me back.
"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked, clearly worried.
"Yes, DJ," I replied.
"You just seemed very distant after Space Mountain," She began.
"I'm fine Dinah. I promise," I told her. That was something I was doing a lot recently. Making promises that I knew I would break.
"Okay....I love you Averi," She told me, still unsure.
"I love you too, DJ," I hugged her once more before walking inside and waving to her.
"Hey baby," I heard my mom's voice from in front of me.
"Hi Momma!" I replied.
"How was your day with Dinah?" She asked.
"Oh my god! It was so fun! She took us to DisneyLand!" I told her, leaving out some parts. I didn't completely lie. It was fun until those girls came.
"Wow, cool. Did you eat?" She asked me, lowering her voice incase Taylor could hear us.
"Yeah. Half a frozen lemonade cup and 4 chicken strips and I shared fries with Dinah," I told her and she nodded, seeming satisfied.
"I'm gonna go to my room. I'm exhausted!" I told her and she kissed my temple before letting me go.
I was mentally exhausted. I was tired of everything and now I wanted to go lie down.
I changed clothes before jumping into bed and clicking on Twitter.
I decided to look up the blonde girl's twitter from when she told Dinah.
(These usernames said below are just random, and have no correlation to real Twitter usernames!)
I clicked on her profile and scrolled down to where she posted the pictures of her and Dinah and Taylor.
@dinallysheart: "I met Dinah and Taylor at DisneyLand ❤️😭" *picture*
@normanisxoxo: "Was it just the two of them?"
@dinallysheart: "No lmao. There was Lauren's adopted kid with them. But I don't take pics with irrelevants😂"
@normanisxoxo: "she seems like such a spoiled bitch tbh"
@camilaspuppies: "^^^^^"
@5hthegreat: "^^^lmao right?!"
@dinallysheart: "She honestly was. I asked her a hundred times before she decided to stop ignoring me and answer my question.
@5hthegreat: "Wow. What a fucking bitch."
@dinallysheart: agreed. she's a waste of space on this planet. she should khs."
1,476 retweets. 2,798 likes.
By the end of the twitter conversation, everything was blurry because of my tears.
What was the point if nobody cared about me?
Why should I bother to recover if everyone hated me?
I should just kill myself.
I am a waste of space.
Everything seemed hazy as I grabbed a couple pieces of paper and began to write. I had written suicide notes quite a few times before, but I never had anyone who cared for me enough to read them. They usually just said how I did this and I wasn't murdered or anything. For the orphanage's sake.
But now I actually had people on my side. And I needed to explain to them. So I began to write.
About two hours or so later, I was done with all 6 letters and placed them on my desk and I went to bid Taylor and Mom good night...or goodbye.
"Good night Mommy, I love you so much!" I squeezed her tightly from behind, seeing that she was in her bathroom getting ready for bed.
"I love you too, babe," She squeezed me back, laughing.
"You are the best mom in the world!" I told her, not allowing my tears to come out.
"You're the best daughter in the world!" She reciprocated and I let go on her, going to find Taylor, who was in Lauren's bed.
"Are you sleeping here tonight?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Yeah. Lo said she wanted "cuddle time," She giggled and I laughed too, silently thanking Lauren. Taylor not sleeping in my room made everything a whole lot easier.
"Well, I just wanted to say goodnight to my favorite aunt and that I love you!" I hugged her and she smiled.
"I love you too, favorite niece! Sweet dreams!" She said, and I smiled before walking out.
I waited in my room, which had a clear view of Mom's room for about 15 minutes until the lights went off. Then I closed my door, and walked to the bathroom, locking it.
*Trigger Warning*
I pulled down my shorts, exposing my hipbone, and I grabbed my blade, and began to slice it in all directions. I repeated the process to the other side, allowing the crimson blood to flow out of my body and onto the white tile. I then continued the process on my arms, horizontally. But besides getting light-headed, nothing was happening, so I turned the blade vertically, right above my most prominent vein. I sat down on the bloody tile floor, before placing the now warm blade onto my wrist, and looking at it.
And I pushed the tip of the blade, injuring my skin, blood flowing freely out, I continued to the follow the vein until I was about 4 inches down.
I lowered myself down onto the cold tile floor, until I was lying down.
I could feel myself slowly leaving. Everything was becoming blurry until I could only see bright lights.
I took one last breath before closing my eyes.
The last thing I heard was a loud bang.
Then a scream.
Before I was finally taken by darkness.
Hello guys.
I decided to update earlier for you guys.
Although it's an extremely short chapter, I wanted this scene to be by itself.
Anyways, what should happen next?
Should Averi live?
Thanks for reading.
Next update:
50K (for real this time)

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