twenty eight

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Camila's POV:

Alarms. Yelling. Movement. Pushing.

The last thing I remember was caressing Lauren's hair as I dozed off and then I was awoken by nurses and doctors, pulling us out.

"What the hell happened?" Normani yelled, running towards us, throwing the bag of food onto a nearby chair.

"I don't know. They just- and then they-" I couldn't form a coherent sentence. My emotions and thoughts were being stirred and flushed.

I looked to my right to see Lauren on the floor, sobbing loudly and Taylor holding onto her for dear life. I looked to my left and saw what I recognized as the instrument they used to shock hearts when they were flatlining being pushed into the room.

I heard the doctor yell before it went silent, and then, a nurse closed the door.

Immediately we all panicked, thinking the worst.

"Oh my god," Normani whispered, grabbing my hand, the two of us shaking.

The Jauregui sisters were comforting each other in the corner, and Normani and I began to walk over to them, when the doctor came out of the room.

"Miss Jauregui?" He asked and Lauren slowly stood up, clearly bracing herself for the worst.

"She's awake, ma'am," He said, and we all looked up, in shock.

"What?" Lauren asked, her voice cracked.

"Her vessels were carrying too much blood, since the surgery, and they were trying to work double-time, basically. At the same time, her brain was finally waking up, the damage done to it after her being out for so long, was healing and her body couldn't keep up with all these new things, so quickly and so she went into shock and flatlined for thirteen seconds," He explained.

"She died?" Taylor's raspy voice came from behind Lauren.

"Yes, but we successfully got her back. She's awake and responsive and everything is normal. However, since this was what I'm assuming a suicide attempt, she might not be the Averi you all are used to. She may be unresponsive, mad, silent, sad, angry, or anything in between. Just be patient. Since this is a rare case, I'm going to allow all of you in, but only one by the bed. The rest of you stay by the door, so she doesn't get overwhelmed.

The atmosphere, although silent, was the exact same for everyone. We were all shaken up from what had happened, but happy she was alive, and scared for what was to come. Lauren took a deep breath before turning the door knob and walking in, the rest of us loosely trailing behind her.

"Baby?" Lauren's voice broke as she walked closer to the hospital bed, towards Averi, who's head was faced away from us, her long, brown hair being used as a shield.

"Avie?" She asked again, tears streaming down her face.

Slowly, Averi turned around and looked at us. She scanned the room, left to right and then looked directly into Lauren's eyes.

"Why couldn't you let me die?" She whispered, tears of anger and sorrow streaming down her face, and everyone stood in shock, not able to move or breathe.

"Babygirl...don't say that, we're here to help y—" Lauren began, whispering to prevent the tears from falling.

"NO! I asked why the fuck didn't you let me DIE?!" She shouted and Lauren broke down into sobs. In a few moments, the whole room was chaos. Taylor was sliding against a wall, sobbing, Normani had her hands covering her mouth and she was shaking, and I couldn't believe it. I was in a state of pure shock and overwhelmingness.

"Get Out! GET THE HELL OUT!" Averi's voice brought us back into reality and Lauren caressed Averi's arm for a second before running out.

I looked over at Normani, who nodded towards the door, and I took that as the cue to go help Lauren. I realized Averi was in extremely bad shape, but her mother needed help to, and I needed to be there for her.

I ran through the hospital corridors, asking people, until I found her, sitting against a wall, looking at a door.

"This is the room where I had my first ultrasound. The first time I saw my little princess. My birth-parents were too ashamed to have me here in Miami, so they sent me to LA with my mom, Clara, to get my ultrasound since she had a business conference here. I saw her here for the first time. Alive, well, breathing, and healthy. And now, about a decade later, she's a few rooms over, wishing she was dead and sick. I understand I made some mistakes in my life, huge ones actually, but I need to know where I went wrong since I brought her home? I thought she was happy. I thought she was finally safe. Where did I go wrong, Camz?!" She asked, in a begging voice, which made my heart break more and more.

"Honey, remember what I said, a few hours ago? Remember what I told you to tell yourself?" I asked and she just cried, while I slid against the wall next to her, rubbing her back once more.

"It's not my fault?" She mumbled through tears and I nodded.

"Good Job, Lo. It's not yo—" I began.

"Then why the fuck does it feel like it? Why does I feel like a failure? Why do I feel like I messed everything up? When she looked at me, I could see all the pain, agony, misery, and hurt in her eyes and as terrible as it sounds, it took me everything not to apologize to her...for making sure she stayed alive. How fucked up is that? I was about to apologize that I helped her stay alive when it was my fault she was fighting for it in the first place," Lauren told

"Lauren, do you think it's your fault she tried to commit suicide?" I asked her gently, and she nodded, hesitantly.

"Babe, I PROMISE you it's not. Averi is sick, honey. As I said, she needs help which she's gonna get. You did everything right. You've had it so so much tougher than most moms, but Averi still loves you unconditionally. You are an amazing mom and it is not your fault. You cannot blame yourself. Averi was slowly dying, from inside out. You did not mess up at anything. You did not fail at anything. The only thing you failed at is not believing in yourself and having faith in yourself. I can't imagine how hard it must be fore you right now, I really can't. But that little girl that you say in there," I said pointing to the ultrasound room, " Is the same girl that's in there," I pointed towards the direction of Averi's hospital room.
"And we have to help her. Them. To get better. And if we're going to do that, you have to believe that it wasn't your fault. That you aren't to blame. You have to focus on moving foreward, and helping Averi build her pieces up again. She's scared, exhausted, and shocked. She didn't mean those words. We just have to help her get better and remember what it feels like to want to live again. It will be hard, but worth it," I finished and she nodded.

"Ready to go back in there?" I asked and she began to stand up.

"Camz?" She asked and I turned towards her again.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I don't know what Averi or myself would do..." She told me.

"No problem babe. You're like my sister and she is like my daughter. I'll always be here for you guys. Now let's go help Averi," I replied and she smiled.

"Let's go," She told me and I could feel the aura as we were walking. It was different now, more positive. And something told me that Averi would be okay. And so would we.

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter....
I have a question...Do you guys wanna see Averi's recovery process or a time jump and flashbacks here and there? Please comment!

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