*Part 2*

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Soon I reached my college as it was my first day I was little bit nervous & excited too.

The college was hell big & beautiful surrounded with awesome campus,the crowd over here is very cool
I kinda started liking it.
May be this new start won't be that bad.

I smiled & went near the admin office for getting details about my classes
but on the way I bumped into someone
Wait before you get all the cliche ideas lemme tell I bumped with a girl!

"Ahh.. I am sorry" came a sweet girly voice. I seriously wonder how do all these girls have this sweet girly voice? My voice is basically like a broken speaker!!!

"Its kk" I replied with a frown
I am not here to make friends so no need to be all sweet.

"Hi new admission??" that girl asked me

"Yeah" I replied shortly

"Me too by the way I am samira
but you can call me sammy
What's your name?"

"Sanyukta" I kept my answer short again but seems like she is unfazed by my lack of response because what she did next caught me off guard.

he happily hugged me "Thankgod sanyukta you don't know how I am happy that I have you now with me honestly I was too nervous if I'll manage to make new friends or not"

I was taken aback by her gesture but found it sweet as I was also nervous like her.

Okay making one friend won't hurt right?

"Nice to meet you too sammy let's get started to our new class" I smiled pulling off my fake rude behaviour.

Sammy just grinned in return & dragged me towards our first class
She was so engrossed in pulling me that didn't even care that I was basically getting bumped with every person that came my way

Woah slown down sa-" my words got stuck in my throat only as I again bumped into someone & this time with more force & was about to fall
Great first day & I am going to break my skull
Thank you so much god

I shut my eyes tightly in fear of touching the floor hard

But luckily I didn't!


I slowly opened opened my one eye & found a guy with jet black orbs staring right back at me with a smirk on his face

Seems like I finally had my clićhe moment

"Thanks I know I am hot but don't stare at me like that orelse you might fall in love with me" he smirked mischievously

The word "love" brought me back to my senses

I quickly jerked him away standing straight

"Excuse me!! Watch where you are going instead of being arrogant" I glared him

"Oh baby it was your fault not mine" he said

Baby!! What baby?? I'm not your baby
Why the hell even I am talking to this idiot? Chuck it

"Let's go sammy" I ignored him while pulling sammy with me

"By the way if not sorry atleast tell me your name"

"I don't talk to strangers!!" I spat & left from there with sammy

Way to ruin my good mood thanks idiot!! I mentally cursed him



Thnku ^_^

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