*Part 6*

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Sanyukta's pov

Randhir started his bike n turned to towards me.
I was still confused whether I should go with him or not?
It's not like I am throwing unnecessary tantrums but it's really hard for me to trust anyone easily!
Specially boys!!

"Should I send you an invitation to sit?" He asked sarcastically. Instead of arguing with him I slowly moved towards him & tried to get on his bike but it was really hard to get on this thing with my small height

"Shall I ask sammy to bring you stool to climb up?" He laughed making fun of my height

You should never make fun of small people's height!!!!

"You know what I was better off with aarush than you" I glared him angrily

He stopped laughing immediately. & glared right at me
Bipolar much?

"Why you behave as if that aarush is some long lost buddy of yours?"

"What?" I asked him in confusion
"No tell me why you behave so nicely with him & treat me so badly? What have I done to you?" He clenched his jaw

Uh no! He looks better with that silly smirk of his not this angry young man look!

"It's nothing like that.come on its getting late lets go" I tried to change the topic & after few attempts sat behind him on his but kept a safe distance from him as I didn't want to touch him.

"Hold me tightly if you fell down & break your skull then am not responsible" he chuckled

"Thanks for letting me know how safe I am with you" I rolled my eyes but didn't move an inch to hold him

so this idiot started his bike with a jerk which made me fall on him

How mature?

I hit his back in annoyance but quickly held him not wanting to fall down!
He shook his head & laughed

"Don't try this silly stunts on me"
"Orelse?" he increased the speed making me scream in fear

"Aahh..are you crazy? I want to reach my house not hospital for god's sake slow down"

"Hahaa..chill beautiful I won't leave you so easily"

Nerve of this guy!

It's better I Ignore him

After few mins he tried to start a conversation

"Would u like to have an Icecream??"
"No thanks I don't like Icecream"
"You are so weird! Damn who doesn't like to eat ice cream?are you for real?" He asked in shock

"Shutup..!" I hissed

After some time he stopped his bike near my place
I don't remember telling him my address!

"Sammy told me" he answered

"Oh okay thanks" I didn't want other sarcastic comment for not thanking him. I quickly got down from his bike & was about to turn when he held my wrist to stop me

"Now what?" I scoffed at him not in mood to argue

He just got down from his bike & moved closer to me

What is he trying to do? In reflex I tried to moved back but as he was holding my wrist I couldn't move!

"Whhhat....are youuu?" I stammered at our close proximity

What's going on? Why is my heart racing so fast? Why is this affecting me so much? He is just holding your hand & standing close to you sanyukta. Stop being so dramatic!

I gulped & looked up at him to see what is he upto? but those jet black orbs which were staring right back at me made me feel more giddy!

"Ran..dhir.." I  tried to get out of his hold but all in vain

He inched closer & bent down lil so now that we were face to face

"You look more beautiful with your hair open" he whispered


& swiftly he removed my hair tie making my hair free from ponytail
& slowly he distanced himself from me!!

What the hell was that? I blinked few times to understand what just happened

He smirked looking at my flushed face

"What happened beautiful?? Cat caught your tongue?" he winked at me & left from there

Leaving me all confused & shocked!!!!

Smooth bastard!


Thnku ^_^

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