*Part 8*

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After that encounter with randhir I came home directly as I was not in good mood to attendbthe remaining lectures!
Nani tried asking me what's wrong but I just ignored her & locked myself in my washroom..
Standing in front of wash basin I splashed my face with water continuously to avoid crying but seems like my tears had some different plan!!!

"I am not selfish" I said to my own reflection in mirror

"Nor arrogant"

"I am not bad"

"Its just that I have to pretend to protect myself from this harsh world"

"But you won't understand randhir" I sighed sadly & decided to sleep as there's no use in crying over someone who won't understand your feelings
I really hate when people judge others without knowing anything about them
They have no idea what's going in others life then who are they to judge you?
Never mind it's nothing new! I should be used to this kind of things but still it hurts..it hurts a lot!

Randhir's Pov

I was trying to sleep but couldn't! I was just tossing from one side to another thinking about morning incident
I couldn't take away sanyukta's hurtful expressions from my mind
I was just messing with her yesterday but she got angry! I tried apologising today nicely but she was showing me attitude for no reason!! I don't know what's wrong with that girl? Why she has to get angry at small small things? She is so uptight!! It was not my fault entirely but then why was I feeling bad?
I shouldn't have said all those mean words to her!
But it was her fault also I am trying to be friends with her but all she does is push me away I mean I'm not bad!
Since I have laid my eyes on her from the first day I got attracted to her
There was something about her that made me like her
The way her eyes held so many emotions yet she managed to keep a blank face most of the time
She doesn't even talk much with anyone except her friend sammy
I didn't even do anything at first but she is always rude to me like she is afraid of something! Don't know what? But I want to find out
Sanyukta Agarwal I know you are hiding something & I promise I will find out but first I need to apologise to her orelse I won't be getting any sleep!
I'm never this rude to anyone specially girls but she just infuriates me
What are you doing to me sanyukta? I sighed heavily & decided to go to her place

Soon I reached sanyukta's house...
I was wondering if I should just ring the bell or climb the window as there was still light on in one room!!!
I was not sure how she will react to see me tress passing her window?
May be she will think I am some kind of thief & beat me with a bat?
Or even worse call cops??
Since when I became this coward? I chuckled & decided to climb the window

"I hope this is sanyukta's room" I frowned while climbing up effortlessly
To my luck I saw sanyukta's sleeping figure on bed
I immediately got inside & stood next to her bed awkwardly
Should I wake her?
No I don't think that's a good idea?
"Yeah then why the hell you came here?" I sarcastically asked myself

I slowly tiptoed near her to see if she is really sleeping or not as lights were on? Who sleeps with light on?
As I went near to see her face my heart ache in guilt as I saw her beautiful face covered with dry tear stains!!!

"I am not selfish" she mumbled in sleep giving me a mini attack thinking I got busted

"I am not bad" she furrowed her brows as if she was in pain & was about to cry again

What have I done?
Don't know how long I stared at her but then I realised I came here to apologise so I decided to write her an apology instead of disturbing her sleep
I quickly found a book by her desk & tore one page & wrote what I wanted to say on it & removed the big chocolate bar from my jacket which I bought as a peace offering!
I placed both the things near side table next to bed & decided to leave hoping she will forgive me tomorrow.


Thnku for reading ^_^

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