*Part 30*

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Sanyukta's Pov

After I left from college, on the way back home I stopped by one small park to sit and think in peace for few minutes. I was thinking about the person behind all these blank calls and text messages when my cell again came up with his text
Missing me? Don't worry I'll be back soon dear
*Wink emoticon*

Why would I miss such a weirdo who stalks girls like this? is this really some stalker or certain someone trying to be back in my life? I wondered.
I guess you know who I am?

again a text came. Yep I was right it's him!
I saw the text and looked around if I could see him because how could he know my every move? and why is he back? what he wants when everything is going on peaceful in my life? I sighed in frustration and decided to go back home and talk with nani. only she knew how to calm my nerves when it comes to him.

As soon as I reached home I hugged nani and started crying.
"Nani now when I have moved on why he has to come back in my life? when I needed him the most he left. now why he needs to come back when I don't need him?" I asked nani.
"Sanyu he won't do anything and even if he tries I won't leave him and you know him he might be bad but he won't harm you. Did you told randhir about him?" Nani asked me in concern.
I  broke the hug and nodded my head in a no!
"No I am scared of his reaction. What if he misunderstands? I love him a lot and I can't afford to lose him" I wiped my tears.
"I know that but you know there should be no secrets in relationships its all based on trust.I f you can't trust them then its not love. You don'tt trust randhir? And what if he gets to know about this from somewhere else don't you think he will get hurt" nani asked.
"No not like that I trust him but I don'tt want to hurt him" I replied.
"That's his decision how he takes it you can't do anything in that but you should tell him.
Beta life is too short to wakeup with regrets
so don'tnt lose the person who treats you right"
Yeah she is right "thank you nani"
"Go and sleep now good night" nani kissed my forehead and went to sleep. I also decided to sleep as it was a long tiring day plus I had a fight with randhir and couldn't even talk to him. Sad!

After few hours I still couldn't sleep. I kept turning from one side to other but couldn't sleep. All I could remember was the past activities which made me cry eventually making me more sad. I heard a knock on my window and I know who it was? I smiled in relief and opened the window.
"Were you crying? why? don't tell me you were crying because of our small fight?" he asked me while entering my room. I wiped my eyes clean and smiled "I was crying before but now I am happy that you are here" I hugged him.
"I am waiting for the apology" He hugged me back.
"I am sorry" I quickly apologized.
"So quickly? I thought I will have to apologise first" he chuckled.
"I realised it was a lame reason to fight plus I'm being a bigger person and letting it go"
"Oh my god! thank you so much" he replied sarcastically
I chuckled and pinched his cheeks.
"Why did you left from college early?"

okay you have to tell him everything sanyukta.
"Randhir I want to tell you something" I started in a low voice.
"I'm listening go on"
"Actually from yesterday night I am getting some blank calls and text messages from an unknown number as if someone is stalking me..!!"
"What??? and you are telling me this now?"
"I was scared"
He sat next to me on bed and took my hands in his "You are not alone anymore sanyu I am there for you"
I nodded and showed him all the messages.
"Don't worry will find out who it is? it might be some idiot from college"

But I knew it better that it wasn't anyone from college.
"Umm.. no I think I know who it is"  I avoided his gaze and looked down.
"Who it is??" he asked out of curiousity.
"I don't want to hide it from you but I guess its my past which is coming back in my life again"
He was quiet for a while making me worry but he spoke again
"Sanyukta you have first only given me an idea of it so it's not like that that you are hiding something from me. You can trust me and tell everything what's bothering you" he kissed my knuckles.
"I don't like to talk about it but yeah you should know about it. His name was Parth, he was my childhood bestfriend. We used to be neighbours. I used to love him like I was totally mad in love with him but he never tried to understand my feelings he always took me for granted. He used to get all possessive and protective for me but whenever I used to talk about my feelings he would just shrug about it saying he didn't felt anything about me in that way. Infact one day I even proposed him but he rejected me saying I am not his type. I way too mean selfish with lot of anger issues. We had a big fight about this and then after that he suddenly stopped talking to me and cut me off his life. First it was hard to move on. I started hating love stories. I stopped believing in love but then I came to nani's place and slowly started living normally and then I met you who made me smile and believe in love after almost after two years."

His grip on my hands loosen scaring me I quickly held his hand again as if scared of losing him.
"Randhir please trust me it was all in my past. Now its all you. I love you only you."

While he smiled and cupped my cheeks in his hands kissed my nose.
"I am happy that you shared your past with me. My hold on your hand loosened for a second because I got jealous thinking about you loved someone else before so passionately" he confessed.
"You don't have to be jealous of him" I assured him
"Yeah I know I don't have to because today I am sitting next to you not him! I know he was first love but I am more lucky that I will be your last love. You must have read that
quote Being someone's first love is great but to be their last is beyond perfect"
he smiled genuinely making my heart warm with happiness.
"Randhir why do u love me so much? I don't deserve it" I hugged him.
"What can I say I can't stop myself from loving you. You should be really grateful and try to match my level" he replied cheekily.
"Today I understood why nani used to say that the person who will love me will be  mad? I get it you are mad totally mad but I love you alot" I chuckled.
"Ohh I am mad? baby shall I show you how mad I am?" he smirked

I giggled and messed his hair lovingly while he leaned on me making me fall on the bed backwards.
"Randhir I need to tell you the main point. He said he will be back"
"Sshh.. I am here I will handle him" he said and pressed his lips on mine kissing me lovingly as if assuring me that he will be there with me. He will protect me and everything will be alright.


Precap: Mr Past(Parth) enters!!

Thnku ^_^

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