*Part 23*

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Sanyukta's Pov

As we were lost in our own world the sudden knock on the door broke our trance.

Randhir was the one who broke the kiss first. I kept my eyes closed still trying to process everything. He joined our foreheads. He was same out of breath just like me.

"Sanyu" came a voice from outside.
"Sammy?" I whispered and tried to get out of his hold but he didn't allow.
"Look at me sanyukta" he said while sensing my awkwardness but I didn't dare to look at him and kept my head low. He pulled my chin up with his hand. While our gaze met I
could clearly see the amount of love his eyes hold for me but I was afraid of it! because of my past it was hard to move on so quickly. I quickly moved my gaze.
"Randhir please leave you know this kiss shouldn't have happen.It was just a-" I paused at saying mistake because I know it wasn't a mistake but still I need him to stop having any further expectations from me.

He looked heartbroken already as he already knew what I going to say.
"If you didn't like it I am sorry. You can slap me right now I won't mind but don't call it a mistake sanyukta! It was that kind of kiss which made me realise  I never felt anything like that in my whole life till now. I don'tt know what you feel about me but I feel so good whenever I am with you. You're the reason my life feels so perfect now a days. So please don't complete that sentence." he requested sincerely.

I stood there numb! not knowing what to say? I was confused with my own feelings
while he felt disheartened already!
May be he understood my silence as he slowly pressed a a kiss on my forehead and said sorry once again and left from the washroom.

"What are you doing here?" came sammy's voice as she asked him.
"Nothing if you are looking for sanyukta then she is in other room" he lied because he knows I am embarrassed enough and I need time some time.

After a while I came out but he was no where to be found. He left I sighed sadly.

I blinked my tears and changed my night dress and went to the other room to meet sammy who was waiting for me.
"Where were you? Randhir told me you were in other room. Wait what was he doing  here? ahem ahem..." she asked playfully.
"Sorry I was taking shower" I lied.
"With randhir?" she laughed.
The kiss flashed infront of my eyes and unknowingly warm blush appeared on my cheeks.
"Why are you blushing? were you actually taking shower with him?" sammy gasped in fake shock.
"What? No! stop it" I slapped her forehead and went to sit on the bed. Sammy followed me and started talking about something else but I was not in any mood to listen so I just pretended to listen.
"Are you even listening to me? I feel like I'm talking to myself" Sammy frowned.
"Umm.. No I am listening continue"
"Is it about randhir?" she asked on point.
"I want to ask you something" I fidgeted with the hem of my top.
"Is it easy to fall in love again if you have been hurt in past by someone you loved with all your heart? Is that so easy to trust someone again? Is it okay to let your guard down again? How can you tell if someone won't hurt you?" I asked her the questions which I badly wanted to know.

"Look I am not a love guru but I know one thing If someone's presence makes you forget your past then that someone surely deserves to be your future. And about letting your guard down or won't getting hurt again? We can't find out that right now. we need to trust the destiny and believe it has a motive against everything that happens in our life the good or bad both." sammy said while holding my hands in her hands. I smiled a bit on her thought as I clearly know who that someone is in my life.


Thnku ^_^

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