*Part 18*

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Randhir's Pov

Two days passed quickly...
Everyone was present in college except for sanyukta. I was getting worried now is she okay? where is she? She hasn't replied or call back to my messages or calls.
Sammy also tried to contact her but her cell was switched off now.
So she suggested I should go and checkout at her place. If she is okay or not?

With lot of gutts I finally made my mind and decided to visit her place. I was little scared what if she will angry for coming unannounced? So I decided to climb up to her window and not to enter through front door. And yeah lemme tell you her window is not that high and I am not a super hero.

I peeped in but didn't found her in her room so I jumped in and decided to look for her. I went near washroom to check there but unfortunately a vase fell down by mistake before I could hide or run away her nani came inside the room to look what happened?

"May I know who are you? and how you came inside?? you are too handsome for a thief"

I scratched my nape in confusion on what to say? why he came here?

"Hello I didn't plan to meet you like this sorry myself Randhir, I am sanyukta's friend"

I don't know if I imagined or not? but hearing my name nani's face lit up she looked happy to see me as if she wanted to meet me from long time.

"Oh you're the famous Randhir?
Have a seat. I wanted to meet you I thought sanyu will bring you home soon but she only ran away to Delhi"

"Ran away?" I got confused
all irrational thoughts came in my mind making some frown lines on my forehead.

"I mean she went to her parents place in delhi for few days" nani chuckled at my expressions.
"Why all of sudden?"
"She said she is missing them and left but I know her very well she ran away from here to get some peace and to hide away from reality"

I didn't understand how to ask nani about sanyu that why she behaves like this? What she is hiding?? and why she has to run away?
"You want to ask something?" nani asked me
"How do you know?" I stared at her in confusion
"Well I don't think you came all way here for nothing?"
"Yeah I was worried about her as she didn't answered my calls and now her cell is also switched off. Is something wrong?"

Nani smiled on my question and mocked me
"Why are you so interested? Do you like her?"
"What? No nothing like that I just wanted to know.you are getting me wrong" I replied quickly as in too quickly.

Nani turned to leave but she smiled in return as if she  knew something that I didn't!

"Its better if sanyu only tells you about her
but for that you have to gain her trust because she doesn't trust anyone as she is afraid of it so she has build some high walls around her from past two years. I know you are smart enough and you know what to do?" nani said asked me with a teasing smile.

I smirked in return sanyukta has the best nani.

"Best of luck and ya we have a front door in our house" she smirked too.

"Yeah got it" I chuckled she is way too cool.

So Miss sanyukta agarwal be ready to see the real Randhir, Randhir Singh shikhawat, The great flirt. Its my challenge that I'll change your thoughts and make you share your secret or past whatever it is..!
Because for me your past doesn't matter more. I'll fill your life with the colours that are missing as I want to be in your future.
Don't know why but I'll do it for sure.
I promised to myself while smiling.


Thnku ^_^

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