*Part 13*

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Sanyukta's Pov

The second day of our camp started, Vardhan Sir took us to the school where the social camp was about to held. All small children and their parents were also present over there
I got excited to see those lil cuties running over and there as I am fond of small children. As soon as sir gave us order to interact with kids I rushed towards them with a big fat grin...
"Oh man why are they so cute??" I said to no one in particular while crouching down to their level pinching their cheeks one by one
"Yeah too cute" came randhir's reply. I smiled up at him but I was wondering he called them cute or me? I mean he didn't even looked at them his gaze was fixed on me only making me blush so I cleared my throat in order to stop him
"You like kids?" he asked while crouching next to me
"Yeah I don't know I always get a overwhelming feeling when I see small kids to love them because I know how it feels to be neglected at this small age and I don't want them to feel the same" I smiled sadly remembering my childhood days. I always craved for mom and dad's love and attention but never got much because most of the time I was sent to my nani's house as they were busy working
"Sanyukta?" randhir's voice pulled me out of my sad memories
I blinked my eyes to stop the tears from falling I didn't want him to ask me what's wrong! I hate when I tell people my problems because then I get those pitty eyes making me feel more bad about my fucked up life plus I hate crying infront of anyone it's like they will see how pathetic I am and leave me!
"Are you okay?" He asked placing his hand on my shoulder
"Yes I'm fine" I faked a smile and stood up as I need some time to clear my mind away from everyone before I could leave he held my wrist from walking away
"It's okay if you don't want to share but don't leave! I don't want you to sulk alone and if vardhan sir notices you are not here you will be punished so just stay I promise I won't ask you anything" he said while interweaving our fingers
I nodded in return letting him know I won't leave
"Let's get our work started" he pulled me towards others

After awhile we all started working on our social camp with all the children and their parents...
"Stop all these nonsense!!! This won't work here! Collect all your stuff and leave our place as soon as possible" one ugly looking man came from nowhere I started shouting at us with him there were five to six men more who all were glaring at our team
Vardhan sir tried to talk to them but they started threatening him also!!

"Leave before we make you leave forcefully!!! This is our area we decide what happens here and currently education is not our top priority. No one is going to get educated over here so stop with your drama" ugly man roared and his men started destroying our stuff while throwing everything here and there
All the parents and kids ran away in fear as they started harassing them as well.Our boys tried to stop them but they everything went in vain

Soon the school was looking like a boxing ring all started fighting vigorously
Vardhan signalled all the girls to leave immediately...
But while running sammy and me got blocked by one goon
He pulled sammy towards him started harassing her. I tried to pull her from him but he was more strong than me. I tried to push him but didn't work so I tried another way by biting on his arm that made him instantly leave sammy but in return his attention went towards me and he slapped me hard enough to make in fell down in pain
Aah! that fucking hurts!!! I held my cheek in pain and looked at him in fear as he crouched down at my level and yanked my hair painfully
"San...sanyukta" sammy tried to push him but he pushed her back
"Sammy run" I yelled at her
"Ooohh you wanted to save your friend how about I make you suffer first then your friend?" ugly goon smirked at me pulling me up in standing position.No I am not letting this piece of shit let go for pulling my precious hair. How dare he touch my hair?
"Youuuu did a big mistake boy" I clawed his face with my big nails
Ha take that! growing my nails came to use I smiled smugly as he let my hair go and moved back. I touched my scalp inorder to soothe the pain..thankgod! He didn't pull my hair out making me bald...JERK!
"You b...." he tried to pull me again but before he can reach to me get got pushed away from me hard making him stumble on his feet. Randhir? He looked back at me to see if I was fine or not? I nod my head telling him I am fine! His gaze fell on my red cheek where that bastard had hit me. I'm sure he must have left fingerprints!!!
Watching those marks randhir's jaw clenched hard...
His eyes went bloodshot red..
He balled his fists tightly in anger
he was beyond angry I could see that but my gaze went to sammy who was being dragged by the same idiot
"Randhir.... sammy please save her" I yelled and he swiftly headed towards them.. He pulled sammy in one go from his clutch and started hitting that man black n blue...!!
He was punching him so hard that man was about to die..!
But he didn't care what he couldn't see that as if he was in a trance to break those hands which hurted her..!!
I don't want him to go to jail so I ran towards them and tried to pull him away  before he kills that man!!
Soon Vardhan sir also joined and pulled him away. That man ran away in fear following others who were running away...!!

I turned my attention towards randhir..
"What were you doing?? Are you mad you were about to kill him" I scold him. He avoided my gaze and looked down
"What if he have hurt you back? Do you even care about yourself" I shouted on him
"I don't care..!! I don't care if could hurt me! All I cared was about you! How dare he hurt you?? How dare he touch you? So forgive me If I wanted to kill me for putting his filthy hands on you" he yelled back at me in frustration

"Guys you need to relax as everything is under control now so please go back your camps" vardhan sir ordered  us
Randhir left first leaving me standing their like a idiot who tried to grasp his words!!!!

He wanted to kill that man for me? Just because he hurt me??

"Randhir wait" I call him but he didn't stop so I followed him
"Randhir please wait" I pulled his hand to stop him but he jerked my hand inreturn
"Sanyukta I am not in mood to talk now please leave me alone" he groaned
Okay first he lectures me not to go and sulk alone and now he wants to do the same thing! Not fair! He tried to walk away again but I pulled him back but my bad he got more angry and pinned me towards nearby tree making me gulp in fear
"Don't you understand I don't want to talk now!" He hissed tightening his grip on my wrists making me wince in pain but as he noticed that he quickly let go of my wrists
"Calm down will you?" I snapped at him holding my wrists close to my chest

He glared at me but his gaze went to my red cheek instantly and his eyes softened as he slowly caressed my cheek lightly
"Is it still hurting?" He asked while coming close to me
I shook my head in a no!
He quickly placed a small kiss on my cheek as if soothing it. I widened my orbs at his action and was about to say something when he clasped me in his arms all of sudden...woah!!!

"How he dare to hurt you...!! he said holding me more tight.
"Ran..Randhir" I stammered as he almost sandwiched me in his arms.
"Sorry" he chipped and broke the hug immediately creating distance between them.
"Let's go u need first aid" I said while looking at his bleeding knuckles
"I don't need this! I Am fine" he complained like a small kid
"Shutup! Follow me I am just going to bandage your knuckles" I pulled him towards our camps

I made asked him to sit on the near by chair but stood at the same place like a stubborn kid.
"Sit" I ordered but didn't moved so I had to push him down on the chair
Big stubborn baby! I suppressed my laugh while watching his antics. His expressions were worth watching when I moved the antiseptic dipped cotton near his wound

"I am not scared of this shit! It's just that I don't like antiseptics" he tried to explain"

Well okay I didn't asked!

"Few mins back you wanted to be the hero now what happened?" I teased him
"You want to make fun of me instead of helping me fine I'm going" he frowned

Haha he is so cute
Who would say this guy was fighting few mins back and was literally going to kill someone? And look now he is running away from first aid...Such a baby! I giggled


Thnku ^_^

My story is going to complete 100 votes soon!!! thanks to all my readers you all are best :)

Silent readers plz do vote I knw I don't write that bad come on!

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