*Part 22*

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Sanyukta's Pov

At night I was sitting by the balcony wondering about all the recent things. Since I was back from delhi I really tried to keep my distance from Randhir but seems like it was Impossible! He was like a sunshine who brought happiness in my life even if I didn't ask for it. Suddenly our door bell rang. I wondered who it was because we hardly get any visitors and at night nope no one! I opened the door and found Randhir standing outside covered in mud with a wide grin on his face.
Does he knows telepathy? I was thinking about him only and he appeared on my doorstep.
"Hello" he grinned
"What the hell is wrong with you? why are you covered in mud?" I asked him in confusion.
"I was passing by when my bike got skid and I fell into mud as your house is near I came here." he replied while scratching his nape.
He looked cute scratching his nape like a monkey who was covered in mud. Wait did I just called him cute? oh gawd sanyukta  control yourself.

"Sanyu who came?" nani came to check before I could reply she started "Oh smarty it's you come come. What happened to your handsome face?"

When did they became friends?

"Will you both care to explain how you know each other??" I asked both of them.

Randhir smirked and said
"later on baby it's a big story first can you show me the washroom?"

On listening that baby again I rolled my eyes but I showed him washroom.

"Sanyu this shower nob is not opening" he complained from inside.
"So what?" I frowned.
What he expects Am I some plumber?

"You don't need to be rude all time okay!" replied

okay I sighed and went inside to check only to find him shirtless. I quickly turned around and closed my eyes.
"Shameless where is your shirt?"
"Baby I know sometimes girls ask dumb questions but still how do you expect me to take shower with a shirt on?" he chuckled.

Point! I pushed past him and tried to turn the nob but it didn't work!
"Why isn't this working? when I had bath that time it was working" I tried hard to open it.

Randhir moved close to him from back and leaned further while keeping his hand on mine and in a one go he twisted the nob making the shower work and getting both if us drenched in water.

"What the...!! you did it purposely right?" I turned around to glare at him but that was a wrong nove because he was standing too close!
He chuckled at my angry expressions.
"You have the decency to laugh?" I tried to hit him while pushing him back but it was all in vain. In fact he smirked and pulled me more closer. I gulped hard but didn't back down. I tried to look unaffected and continued to glare at him.
"Randhir singh shikhawat I so hate you for this!!!"

The word 'hate' I guess Irked him because the look on his face changed immediately from playful to angry. He pushed me backwards towards the wall and pinned my arms.
"Say it again.." he ordered in his husky voice
while I got bit scared by his sudden reaction. His eyes grew darker.

"I hate..yo.. you" I stammered in low voice.

He clutched my arms hard and moved even more closer.
"Don't you dare use those words for me again" he whispered in a dangerous voice

What's wrong with him? Why did one word made him so angry? I don't hate him really! It was just a comment. I stared at him with puppy eyes scared to see his next reaction. But he did something which I didn't expected! He placed his lips at the crook of my neck and kissed it softly making me gasp in shock! His warm lips got mixed with that cold water droplets created a sensation down my spine which made me arch my back in pleasure. This is wrong! why does it feels right at the same time?
"Randhir please stop" I told him to stop but it came out as an moan.

He realised what he was doing as he stopped immediately and looked at me warily like a scared puppy who was afraid of getting kicked out! I don't know how but my hand reacted on it's own and caressed his cheek making him stare at me in surprise. Dude I was surprised too! What am I doing?
The moment froze as we both stared an eye lock. I so badly wanted to run away yet my feet got stuck over there. He shifted his gaze my eyes to my lips causing me to stare at his lips too! The water droplets running down his lips made me jealous. I had this strong urge to kiss him. What is wrong with me? why I am having all these thoughts? before I could overthink more he  smashed his lips on to mine kissing me hard and fast. widened my orbs at his intensity! It was not at all soft sweet kiss! It was more than that. I wanted to push him. slap him but I felt like was spell bound by his magic. I parted my lips giving him more access to kiss me properly. His one hand caressed my nape while the other clutched my waist tightly. He was taking his own time to taste my lips. Even though it was a passionate kiss it was still loving.

We were so lost in our own world when the knock at the door broke our trance.


Thnku ^_^

Just tried to write hot lol Sry if it was not that good!!

Do let me know how it was ;)

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