*Part 12*

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Sanyukta's Pov

As soon as the sun went down its horizon the sky got pasted with different shades of purple and dull blue and the night arrived slowly with a pleasant breeze....

As everyone was tired by our long journey plus by the work given by vardhan sir so they decided to play something for a while to refresh their mood..
so all of them gathered in the open area and lighted up a bonfire and decided to play 'Truth & Dare'
So typical! I chuckled to myself

The game was going very well for a quite long time everyone was enjoying it but soon the bottle pointed towards Randhir who was sitting beside me he had to choose a truth or dare

The guy sitting in his opposite direction asked him what he'll like to choose??

"Dare" he replied confidently

"Okk den your dare is that you have to kiss sanyukta...!"

What the hell??? My eyes widened in shock!

the guy smiled smugly and winked at sammy, which didn't got unnoticed by me so it was her idea I'm going to kill her!!!!

"I am not going to kiss him" I said firmly narrowing my gaze at sammy

"Oh come on don't be a spoil sport" everyone started complaining

As there was no option they have to do it..!!

Randhir turned towards me cautiously... as if afraid I'll bite his head off
I wanted to laugh but gulped hard as he leaned towards me...
With his each move I started taking deep breaths...
My hands started sweating...
My heart skipped a bit when he was just an inch apart from me...!
with all my guts I looked at him like a scared puppy who is now going to get a punishment because he disobeyed his owner!!

He leaned closer to me holding my chin...
Okay here goes my first kiss!
I closed my eyes in disappointment ane waited to get over with it but I didn't felt anything for a while so I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me

He gently placed his lips on her forehead instead of her lips!!
It was a warm innocent peck making me want more.

What is wrong with me?

"Don't worry I won't do anything which you don't like..!!
"Or in which you are uncomfortable" he uttered in a sweet tone

shocked was an under statement but his words made me swoon
His eyes were twinkling like stars which clearly indicating the amount of respect and care he had for me.
I was so busy in staring in those jet black orbs that I didn't noticed others complaining about that it was not a proper kiss but he winked at her and turned his attention to others..
"Hii..this is not fare..!!
We told you a kiss" the same guy complained
"Yeah you told a kiss..but you didn't mention what type of kiss!!
A lip kiss or any other! "Did you???" Randhir mocked him with his famous smirk

"Aah..ok fyn" the guy said defeatedly and soon they continued their game

At first when I heard that he will kiss me I was shocked and scared at the same time..the way he came closer I felt my heart racing so fast as if it will come out anytime!!
I thought he would grab the opporunity and will kiss me but strange he didn't!
Instead he kissed my forehead and said that he won't do anything which I don't like..his words touched my heart..
The time I looked in his eyes I could see a clear amount of love for me?
But why???
Aah..I guess am thinking too much..!
There is nothing like that! He can't feel anything for me.He is a genuine person and I guess I have started liking him as a friend!!
Yeah as a friend only!! Whatever he did today increased my respect for him.

Some guy started playing guitar ane everyone stopped playing and started singing along with him.
All this while I felt someone's eyes on me and when I looked up I saw randhir was busy staring at me and when he noticed I was staring back he quickly averted his gaze

That night something changed around them! don't know what but definitely something changed I could feel it and that feeling was scary as well as thrilling


Thnku ^_^

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