*Part 5*

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When we reached sammy's place she was already waiting for us outside

"Bro why it took so long to come here? Sanyu did he troubled you?" She started her interrogation

"Sorry you know mumbai's traffic!
Anyways you guys carry on. I am leaving bye" aarush waved & left

"Madam would you please like to come inside?" Sammy bowed infront of me making me laugh on her silly antics

"yeah let's go"

"Our partners must have got bored lets go & help them" sammy winked

"Our?" I asked in confusion
What is she talking about? I thought I am going to help sammy & her partner!
Wait does that mean she invited randhir also?

"sammy please tell me you didn't invite that monkey"

"I umm..." sammy stuttered

"Hello gorilla" came randhir's teasing voice

Oh god no!

"You??" I closed my eyes in annoyance

"Yes! me your one only GENIUS HANDSOME partner"

Why me?

"Aren't you happy to see me beautiful? I came all way long just to see you"

This guy & his cheesiness

I rolled my eyes "sammy care to explain what's going on?"
"You know vardhan sir told to work in pairs, So I thought why not invite randhir also? Afterall you will need a partner for this" sammy explained nervously

What I am supposed to say? She has a point I can't work alone!

"Fine let's get over this" I huffed & made my way towards her living room where another  girl was also present

"Hey myself vidushi" girl introduced herself

"Hey" I smiled at her politely & sat in front of her collecting all the required material for our project
But you know you get that feeling without looking that someone is staring at you? Yeah currently am getting the same feeling & I don't even need to know who that person is!

Any guesses?

"Why are you staring at me you creep?" I asked him without looking up at him

"My eyes.My wish.I can do whatever I want" he chuckled


Randhir's pov:

I Dnt know but I can't stop staring at her!
Ya she is looking pretty but more than that I am loving that innocence on her face, so cute juz like a lil baby, ya baby with pretty eyes which hold many untold stories
There is something about this girl I don't know what? But I definitely want to find out that! That morning scene where she fell in my arms is constantly playing in my mind
I could picture that fear behind her eyes & it was not just the fear of falling but something else! The way she flinched when I commented about falling in love was very weird. Why is she like this? I know girls can be rude without any reason but she is way too rude & specially with me!
I need to know the reason without her knowledge orelse she won't hesitate breaking my head for sure!!
I laughed at my own thoughts only to get a frown from her

"Are you mad? first you were staring at me & now you are laughing alone!!"

I thought not to reply just to irritate her more

"I am talking to you" she twisted her lips which made me smile

I should seriously stop smiling like an idiot orelse she will think I am really some creep!

After working for like 10mins I quickly got bored!!!!
Do you really think I came here for this stupid project? Heck no. I just wanted to see this cute weird creature & get to know her but seems like I have to work really hard to get in her good books.

All I was doing is staring at her every now & then without getting caught

She was busy staring at the book & chewing the pencil which was in her hand

"Are you hungry?" I teased her

"Nope" she replied without even looking at me
How rude?
No one ignores me like that!

So to get her attention I snatched that stupid pencil from her hand
"What is your problem?" She snapped at me

Ah! Finally she noticed me

"You were eating this stupid thing. Didn't your mom gave you enough food to eat today?" I chuckled but stopped immediately when I saw her stiffened

Did I comment something wrong?

"Are you okay?"
She changed that sad look quickly into blank one
"I have a doubt.if you can't help me then atleast don't disturb me"
"Uh..you want me to help you?" I asked unsure
"Ofcourse that's what partners are for" she chipped in duh tone
"Partners eh?" I smirked
"You know what I meant" she rolled her eyes
"Okay so miss great sanyukta has asked me for help let's do this" I took the book she was holding into my hand & looked for the problem

"Are you trying to fool me? because this is so easy" I gave her a confused look

"Really? Show me please" she inched closer to me

Is she trying to trick me?

"Will you stop that gutter mind & help me" she gave an exasperated sigh

"Sure" I smiled & tried to explain her as nicely as possible
"Wow not bad this monkey is really smart" she mumbled to herself

"Thanks" I chipped sarcastically
"Yeah that's what normal people say when someone helps them but as I can say you are exceptional so I'm saying it on your behalf"
"Uggh...thanks" she mocked me with a fake smile

After working for one hour, her friend sammy interrupted with a loud yawn
"Okay guys I guess that's enough for today! I'm bored"
"But it's only been one hour" sanyukta tried to stop her
"Nah..let me sleep you also go home & sleep. Randhir will you please drop her?" Sammy asked

Yaay! I love this girl

"Ofcourse" I grinned like a small kid who got his favourite candy

"No. Ask aarush instead of him" she crossed her arms in annoyance making me frown

Why she needs that aarush?
She is okay with him but not me!!!

"Bro isn't back yet so you need to go with randhir. End of discussion" sammy packed her stuff ignoring sanyukta's tantrums

"Fine. Next time when you call me at your place I am not gonna come" she glared at sammy then glared at me "Driver let's go"



Thanks for reading ^_^

I'm trying to edit as much as possible sorry if there are still some mistakes

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