*Part 9*

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Back to Sanyukta's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes & groaned when I felt my head ache from all the excessive crying from yesterday night
I wanted to sleep again & skip college today but then that was good as I skipped yesterday too!!
Lazily I stood up & stretched my arms but then I noticed something lying on my side desk...chocolate? I don't remember keeping chocolate here? Who put this here? I scratched my head in confusion & picked it up & noticed there was on piece of paper lying beside it
What is that? I curiously picked that to read

I am sorry didn't mean to hurt you
You knw I am fool right? Please forgive me :-)
- R

R? Randhir? When did he came & placed this here?
Unknowingly small smile appeared on my face by looking at the chocolate
What does he think that I am some lil kid who will get happy to see a chocolate & will forgive him?
Well actually he is not wrong!
I am happy to see his efforts not everyday someone does something like this for me
I not used in getting special treatments so small gestures also mean a lot to me
"I don't think he is that bad" I smile to myself & started getting ready for college

As soon as I stepped out of my house I saw randhir standing with his bike
I guess chocolate apology was not enough for him?
"Hi" he said nervously

Great Randhir singh shekhawat is nervous?

"Hii..." I waved awkwardly

What? I'm not good with hey and bye stuff so don't judge me

"Actually yesterday I couldn't talk you as you were sleeping and you looked so cute I didn't want to disturb your peaceful sleep so I just wrote an apology and placed that chocolate over there. I mean I know chocolate is not enough but atleast I wanted to try you know? I hope you got that note
I..I just want to say sorry I shouldn't have behaved that rudely...it was your fault as well I was just trying to be nice and you-" sanyukta cut his rambling in between

"Its okay I got I was lil mean to you-"


"Ah fine! I was totally mean to you but please understand I am not good with all this stuff so I lashed on you so I'm sorry too" I apologised

"So we are okay now?" He asked with uncertainty

"Haha yeah" I chuckled

"By the way when everything is sorted now will you like to be my friend? trust me I am a good friend" he said cheekily while extending his hand towards me

Umm..should I accept his offer? I mean its not he is asking for anything more just friendship then why not?
still I'm not sure I should trust guys after what happened in past but randhir seems different! The way he is genuinely smiling at  me indicates he is a good guy and I should definitely give him one chance so with that I place my hand in his hand for a handshake

"Friends" I smiled

"Don't worry I won't disappoint you this time" he gave a light squeeze to my hand warming my heart with the heat radiating from his hand
His hand is warm & comforting like I want to hold it and not to leave it anytime soon

"I don't mind holding hands like this but your kind information we are getting late for our first class" he smirked mischievously  making me blush

"Umm..yeah we should go" I quickly removed my hand from his hold looking anywhere else than him

"Hope on" he started his bike
"Do you think it's a good idea that we should go together to college?" I asked him uneasily
"Yeah why not?" He asked back in confusion
"Well for start I don't like attention! & going with you will definitely attract alot of attention and I am not sure I can handle that" I try to make him understand in small voice
"Ohh come on I am not bad and trust me if someone makes you uncomfortable I'll make sure to teach them how to mind their own business" he assured
And without any second thought I got on his bike ready to face the world
Okay I know I am exaggerating!!!

When we reached college sammy was already waiting there for me and when she saw me with entering with randhir she blinked her eyes rapidly to make sure she is not dreaming
See this was that reaction I was afraid of!

"Sanyukta are you okay? I mean how you guys are together? What happened?? I want details I thought I am your bestfriend already but...." sammy started but I quickly pulled her away from randhir sending him a short bye we walked away from there
"I'll explain everything let's go"

"Wait why is there so much rush near notice board?" Sammy stopped me from walking any further 
I looked in the direction of our notice board where whole mob was standing
"What's going on?" I asked in confusion
"Come let's find out" she dragged me into that crowd making our way towards the notice board

"Notice for freshers-
Our college is organising a social camp for four days in rural area.It's basically on teaching the kids about the importance of education
And we will ne getting extra marks for this wow this is amazing" sammy grinned happily
"Why you sound so happy about this?" I eyed her suspiciously
"Ahaan! 4 days no college no studies we are going to have fun yaay"
"It's a social camp sort of our project what's fun in that?"
"I wonder what randhir sees in you" she slapped her forehead & walked away

What he has to do in this?
What is she talking about??


Thnku ^_^

I hope u liked it

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