*Part 32*

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Sanyukta's Pov

"Have you decided what to do about parth? I can't stand him please help me or else I am running away from my own house" I told randhir about my intentions and trust me I'm not kidding I will seriously run away to get away from parth.
"Not yet but I'll figure out something. Let's go out in evening you will feel good" he suggested. honestly not in a mood to go anywhere but it's better to go out then staying in same house with Parth so I agreed. "Yeah okay"

"Sanyu come down" mom called out for me.
"Okay bye mom is calling me down"
"Bye be ready by 5pm love you"
"Love you too" I smiled and ended the call.

Now let's go and see what mom wants? or precisely what parth wants? I rolled my eyes as I know how easily parth manipulates mom.
"Yeah mom?" I asked entering her room.
"Sanyu why don't you take parth out somewhere with you. He must be bored in the house"
"No" I instantly replied.
"No but why?"
"I have other plans"
"Soo take him too he will meet your friends too"mom insisted.

Why gawd why? I wanted to pull my hair out in frustration. At this rate I am going to be bald soon! There was no use in arguing with her so I came back to my room but parth followed me.
"So where are we going?"
"No where. I am not taking you anywhere" I twisted my lips and decided to ignore him.
"Why having plans with your boyfriend?"
Ignore him sanyukta ignore.
"Why are wasting your time on him? when you know you and I will end up together like we always did"
As if he took any initiative to keep our relationship before!
Some people are so shameless like how can you talk like this when your actions and words doesn't match?
I was the only one who tried to solve between us and he used to ignore me!
"Sanyukta I know you're angry on me but trust me I had my reasons just try to understand and give me another chance please" he begged
Dude you don't have any idea how long I waited to hear this words from you but now you're late. Two years is long gap. long enough to not give a f*ck about your reasons now. When I needed you you were not there and now I don't need you at all!
"Get out of my room" I told him simply instead of banging his head on wall which I badly wanted to but restrained myself from doing so.
He left without arguing further. And he says he wants us to go back to how things were between ua before when he can't even put efforts. I scoffed angrily.
One thing is sure I am not taking him out with me but then how will I go out with randhir? Umm lemme call randhir.
"Hello Randhir there is one problem can you arrange one ladder while coming?"
"What???" he asked and bursted out in laughter.
"What the..why are you laughing I am serious?
"But why do you need ladder? are you seriously running away?" he continued laughing.
"Are you done laughing? if not then I'll tell you something which will surely stop your laughing"
"Mom has ordered me to take parth out in evening"
"What the hell don't even think about it" he stopped laughing immediately.
"So bring a ladder with you so that I can climb down my window and will go out without parth's knowledge"
"Sanyu baby your window is not that high you don't need to be so dramatic" he chuckled
"Okay fine then let's cancel our plan" I frowned. For him it must not be that high but for me it is or may be he is right I'm being dramatic because I always wanted to try this. Okay it's final I am officially losing my mind.
"Fine I'll arrange it bye see you in evening"

At evening.

"Sanyukta come down fast. You will take whole day or what?" randhir frowned from down.
"What if fall down?"
"Trust me even if you fall down you will hardly break your leg" he laughed
"What kind of boyfriend are you? you must say don't worry I'll won't let you fall down I'll catch blah blah that kind of cheesy shit" I frowned.
"But you don't like cheesy things" he pointed out making me roll my eyes. He is going to use that thing against me for my whole life.
"If I fall down and die I'll come and haunt you" I warned him.
"If you don't come down in two minutes then I am leaving"
I got defective piece as my boyfriend for sure.
I got down slowly and sighed in relief.
"See you're still alive congratulations" he chuckled.
"Haha funny" I gave him fake smile.
"On call you were so confident bring ladder and all now what happened?"
"Shut up let's go. By the way where are we going?" I asked him.
Randhir's gaze fell on something on behind me.
I signalled him to ask what? He shook his head
"Pocket cafe" he replied
"Pocket Cafe? but we go there mostly. I thought we are going to some nice place"
"Come on I am craving for some pizza" he pulled me with him towards his bike.

Soon we were heading towards the cafe bit at end moment randhir took a turn and missed the cafe.
"What are you doing? you missed the cafe" I asked him in confusion.
"We are not going to the cafe"
"You love beaches right? so we are going there"
"Eee...really yes" I hugged him in excitement making him loose his balance almost.
"Sanyukta be careful" he scolded.
"Hehe sorry. Why did you lied before?"
"While we were talking I felt like someone was watching us. And I don't think you need to guess who it might be?"
ofcourse who else parth!!

After sometime we reached the Girgoan beach. Without wasting any time I got down from his bike and went running towards the beach not waiting for him. I love beaches period.

"Ohh hello I brought you here atleast wait for me" randhir came running after me.
"Sorry I am just happy you know in Delhi there are no beaches to enjoy since I am in Mumbai now I don't wanna waste my time to enjoy this beauty" I pointed towards the beautiful sea.

He smiled at me lovingly and caressed my hair. I smiled back at him. It was perfect the beach and us. I pulled him to sit down on sand. I removed my shoes and dipped my toes in the sand enjoying the warm feeling. Aah heaven! I closed my eyes feeling the cold breeze on my face. I can stay here whole day.
Randhir pulled my hair put of my face and tucked them behind my ear. I smiled gratefully at him.
"I am happy to see you happy"
"Thanks for bringing me here" I placed my head on his shoulder and took his hand in mine.
"Anything for you" he placed a kiss on top of my head bringing me closer to him.
"Umm FYI I'm not one of those who likes to do PDA on beach. I find it weird you know when I was small we visited mumbai and that time mom and dad brought us to the beach and there were couples everywhere literally they were doing gawd knows what under umbrella, Dupattas! I asked mom what they were doing but instead got scolded like what did I do?" I chuckled remembering that incident.
"Haha poor you don't worry we won't do that" he too chuckled.
"Let's walk to Marines"
"Yeah come on" he got up first then pulled me up as we turned to leave we spotted someone whom we wanted to avoid badly. If possible I would avoid him for whole life.


Thnku ^_^

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