*Part 25*

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Sanyukta's Pov

Randhir has decided to bring Ishika to fresher's night and what I am supposed to do now? I wondered sadly and walked back to sammy with a fallen face.
"What happened? finished your talk with him? well by the look of your face I guess it didn't go well! I told you let's work on my plan but no you won't listen to me" sammy shook her head and made me sit down next to her. I leaned my head on her shoulder "Why I am so unlucky in love department?"
"Cut that senti crap and tell me what he said?" sammy replied rudely making me laugh admist the pain.
"I didn't got the chance to talk to him. Ishika got to him first and started talking about how he asked her for fresher's night blah blah.. I don't even understand what was I expecting?"
"Now are you willing to execute my plan?"
"Honestly I don't want to do anything. I feel like going home and sleeping" I sighed in defeat.
"Yeah sleeping as in crying your eyes out at home psh no!" sammy pushed my head away from her shoulder.
Just then Aarush entered the classroom "wassup girls?"
"Tell me fast do you want to try it or not?" sammy asked again impatiently.
"Umm okay but whose help will take?" I asked her in confusion on which sammy gave a naughty grin and signalled towards aarush.

"Why are you girls looking at me like that? I am getting scared" Aarush tried to back away but sammy stopped him.
"You need to help us to make randhir jealous at fresher's night by going with sanyu"
"Are you out of your mind? I don't think that dude likes me and if I do this then I'm sure I'll be on hit list" aarush chuckled.
"Bro you need to help her. Look at her sad puppy face. You can't even abandon street puppies then how can you abandon our very own puppy?" sammy asked him while cupping my face tightly in her fists making me look a fish more than a puppy!

Aarush looked at me and sighed "Fine I'll do it for you"
Me and sammy looked at each other and grinned happily.


At fresher's night party...
All guys and girls were ready and excited for the party. The whole venue was decorated beautifully with the awesome  lights and music. I was still nervous about sammy's plan! I don't know it will really work or not? but I wanted to give it a try.

Randhir and Ishika were already present at the party and as usual ishika was clinging to him but he looked not at all interested..! Then why is he with her? Men!
As if knowing I am looking at him his eyes wondered here and there and finally settled on me. He stared at me for few mins then looked away. Here goes the ignoring again.
"Already defeated?" came aarush's voice from behind. I looked back and tried to smile "Nope let's go dance"

We slowly started dancing...
"Where is sammy?" I asked him to avoid the uncomfortable silence.
"I don't know she came with me but then disappeared" he shrugged.

Just then Ishika and Randhir too came on the dance floor and started dancing besides us getting on my nerves.

Me and randhir randomly stole glances at each other. I don't understand what are we doing when we clearly want to be together? or may It was all ny imagination and that kiss didn't mean that much to him!

Ishika nearly plastered herself on him. Desperate much? I clenched my jaw in anger. Only I know how badly I wanted to pull her hair and drag her out of here.

Suddenly she angled her head and leaned closer to randhir making my heart stop! I froze on my spot. Tears blurred my vision as they kissed.
"Aarush let's get out of here please before I regret doing something stupid" I begged aarush to take me out and save myself from this torture.

"Sanyu calm down its not like that you are-" I didn't gave him chance to complete and really did something stupid which I will surely regret later but who cares?

I kissed Aarush!


Thnku ^_^

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