*Part 4*

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After long day at college I finally returned home
Thankgod if I would had to tolerate that Randhir for one more second also then I would seriously have broke his head

"Oh dear you are back, how was your day?nani asked me while pulling me in her warm embrace
"Bad! Very bad! One idiot decided to eat my head throughout the day" I frown remembering that idiot's face

"Is he hot?" Nani asked

"Naniiii!!!!" I pulled myself out of her embrace getting annoyed & stormed towards my room while nani tried to stop me but I just ignored her & closed my bedroom door & sulked down on floor
No one understands my inner turmoil
In college that idiot
& at home nani!
Love & all is all stupidity
It's not my cup of tea!!
It's not for me I will never have luck in that department!!
I am useless!!
I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying but failed miserably


"Parth no parth wait! Okay I am so sorry but please stop hahaa..." I laughed running away from my crazy childhood best friend as he was on a mission to kill me

"Wait fatty I won't leave you" parth yelled trying to catch me

"Hey I tried to wake you up nicely but you didn't respond so I didn't had other option than pouring water on you" I reasoned myself

"Ohh now I don't have any other option than   killing you" parth gave an evil grin to me & launched at me but to his bad luck he slipped his leg on the water & fell forward tackling me with him on the floor with a loud thud

"Ouch...parth you idiot" I groaned in pain & tried to shift under him

"I'm sorry" he smiled sheepishly staring at me with that one look which was enough to make me go crazy over him!!!

If you haven't guessed yet then lemme tell you I have a huge crush on my childhood bestfriend
He is so perfect that I admire him a lot!

"Don't stare at me like that or you might fall in love with me" he smirked

Only if you knew!

"Oh please in love with you? Never" I tried to act cool but deep down only I knew what I felt for him.

(Flashback ends)

I opened my eyes slowly as those sweet painful memories appeared in front of my eyes all thanks to that randhir

I was so busy in my own thoughts that when my cell buzzed with a call from sammy I literally jumped a little in fear

"Hello" I tried to sound normal

"Hello sanyu are you free in evening?" Sammy asked


"Actually at my place me & my partner are meeting for project discussion, So do you wanna join us? If you want I'll call...." she stopped talking in middle

"You will call? Hello..."
"Umm.. nothing come on get ready I'll text you my address"
"Hmmm okk but how will I'll reach ur place?? I am new over here!!"
"Don't worry I'll send my bro to pick you"
Just text me your address &
Be ready by 3pm...Cya"
"Hmmm Okay bye" I typed my address & sent her

I need to go out & clear my mind! Sammy's idea is good I should get ready

I went to my closest took out my pink crop top n black jeans & quickly got changed, I tied my hair in high pontyail & did lil bit touchup

Beep Beep..
My cell flashed one message
"Hi come outside m waiting for u"
-sammy's bro

I took one last glance at myself in mirror & rushed outside with my bag & found a guy of similar age standing out there with his bike & his cute smile

"Hii" he smiled at me

"Hii" I smiled awkwardly

Yeah that's me when I see cute guys!!

"You ready?" He tossed an extra helmet at me

"Yeah let's go"


Thnks for reading ^_^

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