*Part 14*

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"What the hell do it slowly" randhir screamed as I try to apply ointment as softly as I can but no he has to overreact on my small touch also!
"Stop complaining or else I put this cotton in your mouth instead of applying on your face" I replied getting irritated

Okay that was enough to shut his mouth! He sat quietly like an obedient kid and let me finish cleaning his wounds
"By the way thanks for saving me today" I smiled sweetly at him
"Done" I said while fixing his face one last time "if you need anything just call me"
"Yeah I need one kiss can you give me that?" He asked with a cheesy smile. Well I'm happy he is back to his cheeky self back I didn't like that angry randhir
"Kiss my ass" I twisted my lips
"Ohh gladly" he smirked with double meaning earning a light slap from me on his arm which made him grin like an idiot

It was dinner time but I didn't feel like eating anything so I left from there and decided to sit alone for a while! Don't know how long I sat grazing at the dark sky and those twinkling stars but I guess it was getting late so I decided to return before anyone worries about me!
Just then randhir came searching for me.
"Hey why are you sitting here alone? You didn't join us for dinner also why?"
"Nothing I just wanted to be alone for sometime and I'm not hungry" I shrugged
"Why are so hard to understand sanyukta?" He asked sadly
"Don't try to understand me just go with the flow" I said while looking up at the stars
"You love stars?" He changed the topic knowing I won't open up to him.
"Yes they kind off bring peace to me"

I could feel his stare on me as if trying to understand me!!! Lil did he know I am more complicated than I look and he will never able to understand me!! Let him try I would like to see that. I looked back at him but he didn't move his gaze away this time instead he reached forward and caressed my hair softly with a small smile as if saying I'm not leaving you no matter how much you try!
If I stare at him any longer I am scared he will look into my eyes and figure out everything
How deep my scars are? How badly want to cry but I'm holding everything up?
But thankfully he didn't ask or say anything

Suddenly two dogs came running and started barking loudly at us
Omg! Take them away I don't like dogs no offence to dog lovers but I'm scared of them since childhood when one dog chased me in park and I ran away to save my life!!!!
Sanyukta got scared instantly & stoodup on the bench were she was sitting!!

"Randhir make them go away" I shrieked

Randhir looked at me amused that I  afraid of dogs? and he bursted out in laughter

What's so funny? Some girls ls are afraid of cockroaches while some girls like me are afraid of dogs!!!
"Sanyukta.. please don't tell me you are afraid of them like really??" He started laughing out loud holding his stomach

"It's not funny! Help meee...aaaahhh mommy" I screamed when one dog came close to me and started sniffing at me.
On my screaming the dogs started barking again making me jump in fear!! Finding out no other way I jumped off the bench and hugged randhir. I guess he was taken aback by my sudden reaction because he stiffened immediately! But right now I  don't care that! I want those dogs gone!!! So I clutched him more tight in fear
He gently held me in his arms trying to calm me down and it was working and he also shoved away those dogs
He tried to broke the hug but I was still holding him for my dear life!!!
"Chill sanyukta they went away" he chuckled
"Really?" I asked unsure
"Yes babes but if you still want to hold me I don't mind.I am enjoying it" he teased me

I opened my eyes and looked around oh they finally went away!!! I quickly pulled myself from him
"I- sorry thankyou" I stuttered
"Now I know your biggest fear I can use it against you whenever you won't listen to me" he smirked mischievously at me

I simply rolled my eyes and pushed him away "Jerk!"
"Hey don't abuse me or else I'll call those again" he laughed

Big Jerk!!!!

"How can someone who acts 'I am tough' all the time afraid of dogs? That's hilarious" he commented
"You won't ever let that go right" I glared at him
"Never" he winked

Oh god what I've got myselt into?


Note~ Everyone sees what you appear to be..but only few experience what you really are..! Never let this people go just treasure them :)

Thnku ^_^

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