*Part 15*

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Randhir's Pov

Three days passed in a swift. It was our last day in the village. Time flies so fast when you are enjoying something! Tomorrow back to boring life!
I decided to take a stroll around this place for time pass when I heard sanyukta's voice & by voice means she was literally screaming in frustration.
"I think screaming is her favorite hobby" I laughed and decided to check on her.

When I entered her room everything was messed up!! All the things were lying on the floor & sanyukta was engrossed in searching something and was talking to herself.
"Are you searching for your brain?" I asked in a teasing tone
"Please I'm not in a mood to fight so just leave me alone" she frowned

What's wrong? I wondered. I tried to turn her around so I can have a look at her face to see what's wrong but she jerked my hand away and started her search again.
"What are you looking for? I'll help you" I offered nicely

"I lost my locket" she said on verge of crying

What's so special about that locket? I made her sit and took hold of her hands "It's only one locket relax will search for it"
"You won't understand randhir! That was my gift from nani" she sniffed
I felt really bad for her as I know how much her grandmother means to her.
"Okay stop with the melo drama and let's start searching" I try to lighten her mood

After searching for a while I found one silver thing lying under the table so I quickly picked it up. It was a silver chain with beautiful diamond locket elegantly crafted with letter 'S'
"Is this the same thing you are looking for?" I asked.
She looked at me & then at the locket her eyes twinkled with happy tears "Yes you found it" she quickly snatched it from my hand and smiled brightly kissing the locket with happiness.
"Thank you... thank you..thank you so much randhir" she jumped in happiness & pecked my cheek out of blue making me freeze on spot "You are best thank you so much" she said happily not realising what effect she had on me!!!
I blinked once, twice and still can't believe she kissed me! yeah on cheek so what? she freaking placed her soft warm lips on my cheek making me dumbstruck!
I held my cheek with one hand & started grinning like a idiot

"Randhir"  she called but I was too happy to notice anything
"Randhir" she called again. Yeah keep calling my name it feels so good to hear my name!!! I think I'm losing my mind!!! I continue to grin feeling super happy
"Randhirrrrrrr!!!!" she smacked my head
"Oww" I caressed my head coming out of my trance.
"Oh hello? are you okay? why were you standing like a statue? Help me clear all this mess now" she ordered.
At this moment I am ready to do anything she asks. I nodded my head with that stupid grin plastered on my face and started helping her.

"Done" she chipped after some time.
so early? I wanted to spend more time with her I frowned.

"Hey guys what are you doing here? come on we have to reach school to complete our social camp's work" sammy peeped her head inside sanyukta's room to inform them.
"Great! let's go sanyukta" I frowned more and started walking out when sanyukta held my wrist to stop me
"Listen..umm you can call me sanyu from now onwards..!!" she said with a small smile

I couldn't believe if  heard correctly or not?
"Don't make me say it again" she said and left me alone standing there like a fool!!!

I remembered our conversation from starting days and gave a victorious smile. Finally I earned her trust enough to let me call her by nickname. First the kiss & now the right to call her 'sanyu'

 I did a happy dance my mind & left for the school.


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